betta male together with female??


Feb 22, 2004
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I have a 10g tank with a male and a female betta together.
They don't seem to bother eachother. Will this change, or are they both just very peaceful fish.
Would they breed if I leave them in together?
Well, from what I've read on the forum two things will happen. #1 One day when you come back home there will be only one fish in there, because either the male will kill the female or vice verse. Or #2 they will breed and if the female isn't taken out right away the male will kill her, to protect the eggs. Hope this help.
okay, thanx for the info
If anyone has a different experience, please let me know too...
But I'll start working on a divider (apparently they don't sell that here)
i did say this in another chat but i have 2 males and 8 females together and they are fine together with no problems.
Is this an old thread? I thought you moved one of the females out.


Can I stop telling people that now?

Anyway - I take it from this the spawning isn't going so well then - what went wrong? Remember first-timers can take a few tries to get this right

don't worry nes, this is indeed an old thread...
the spawning did indeed not go well, just no interest or unexperienced bettas I think.
So the male is on its own now, and I have some more females in my community tank.

Just another question, maybe you or someone else can answer:
is there a way to know which female to put with the male (in a separate container first ofcourse)... if I want to try spawning again.
I kept a male and a female betta together for a couple of years in a 16 gal and they never bothered each other. The same goes for my 34 gal. I've had three females and three males altogether (not all couples at once in the same tank, of course). I'd think it's just about how you decorate the tank. If you have lots of plants in the tank, they'll be fine. Or were mine just special cases?

EDIT: One important thing was left out. I wouldn't keep a betta couple in anything smaller than that 16 gal. I can imagine trouble would arise in a 10 gal just because of cramped spaces.
i have a male and a female togetherb tu the male wold always flare for asttention and nip the fins of the female so i split them up
I guess most people dont do their research and read up on the pets they buy. You should never keep male and females together (ONLY for breeding), even if you hear that others have had good experiences (maybe they are lucky, or it could only be temporary) you shouldnt try to keep bettas together like that. Even some female bettas are aggresive with other females and need to be seperated. but those are the only ones you can keep together, and if you insist on it keep an odd number of females so they dont gang up on each other.
:D Hi!
I had a friend who had baby bettas :wub: ! ! !
I think you could have betta fry... make lots of hiding places for your female to hide from male so she won't get worn out!!!!
Good luck! ;)
im trying right at this moment to breed my bettas hes starting his bubble nest

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