Betta Laying On Bottom


Fish Crazy
Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
Greeneville, TN
My son's Betta seems to be sluggish lately.  He spends most of his time just laying on the bottom.  He is upright and fins moving and will surface to eat, but when not eating he just lays there or hides in his house.  He used to be the most active fish in the tank but has gotten slow and lazy in the last week.  Should I be concerned?

Tank size: 10 galon
pH: 8.2
kH:12 drops (214.8 ppm)
gH:17 drops (304.3 ppm)
tank temp:79-81 F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):Color seems fine, still eating, just spending lots of time laying on bottom.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:50% water change every 2 weeks, due again tonight

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:none

Tank inhabitants: 1 Male Betta, 4 endler guppy hybrids, 1 snail

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): No changes in last 3 months

Exposure to chemicals:none known

Digital photo (include if possible): 2013-03-02_14-28-51_326_opt.jpg
Do you know how old he is? he may just be slowing down due to old age. 
My mrs dad has a Siamese fighter called Trevor, he lies on the bottom now and then, been doing it for the last 3 years. He's also in a tank with a couple of guppies and some cherry barbs, I think it may be due to the other fish being fast and energetic that your Betta is having a rest out of their way, and relaxing. I'm not certain but it shouldn't be anything to worry about, as your tank levels are good :)
I picked him in a LFS 4-5 months ago.  He was the same size then as now so I don't know how old he really is.  The endlers have been in the tank for 7 months and the snail for 3 months.  Had some ottos in there too but they died off about 3-4 months ago shortly after being introduced.
One of my bettas likes to rest on the bottom often due to the fact the filter is on his side of the tank and I assume he gets tired more because of the flow. While my other one only rests at night. I think yours is just fine, just keep watching for other symptoms :) 
If his behaviour has changed - you say he's normally energetic - watch him carefully. If there are any further changes (starts leaning, clamped fins, less responsive, losing colour etc) I'd suggest you post back as soon as you notice. Hopefully just chilling out : )

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