Betta Jumpers


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
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Does anyone know how high Betta fish can jump? I'm sort of reluctant to leave the lid off of my rubbermaid container (dont laugh, im too cheap to buy a real tank) when i leave the house in fear of him committing suicide.
you never found her? whoa thats weird -_- My fish doesn't seem to jump but you never know, it might decide it wants a taste of freedom someday. I think ill stick to using the lid.
they can prob jump a few inches out of the water.. lids are a very good idea
Females can jump really high out of the water. I would highly recommend a lid or top on any female betta tank. As for male, they are jumpers as well, but not so much as females, as long as the water is not filled up too high they sould be fine without a top (If you have plakat male, get a top thats the only real male jumper I would worry about).

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