Betta Is Sick


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
I posted in the betta section a little wile ago but I think the situation is getting worse. I was told that he might just be bloated so I gave him some pea and he ate some of it. Today he hasn't come out of his favorite hiding spot at all. He hardly moves and at dinner time last night he didn't eat anything. Could this be a bacterial infection? His body color is still quite good but have noticed some color fade around his head. Water stats are: PH-7.2, Nitrite-0.1, Phosphates-0.25, Ammonia-0. Water temperature is a steady 78 degrees. I'm going to try to get another picture of him if he comes out at all. I snapped this pic of him at dinner time but he didn't eat anything at all.
DSCN1375 (Small).JPG
They do fadea round the head whenthey get older. Nirtite should be 0. Is he in his own tank? He dosnt look bloated
He was in a 20 gallon community tank for all of his life until 2 days ago. I fired up my 10 gallon and he's in that tank with a couple of mollies.
To me, he just looks old, sorry to say that. My first betta faded down, just like yours before he passed.

How are his gills? His he breathing regularly or is he struggling? I'm slightly worried, that if he is sat at the bottom, that he hasn't come up to breath the surface.

Have you got a good LFS that you could pop him into?
He dosn't sound right to me.

How many gallons is the tank.
is the betta kept on it's own.

Is the nitrite reading above 0, or 0.
Do you have a nitrate reading.

I think I would add a bacterial med.
As fading in the head region can be columnaris.

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