Betta is fat!


Fish Addict
May 25, 2003
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My betta is getting fat and lazy! i have a plant with big leafs which he sits on until iss feeding time and he eats. And well he fat! whats that about?
You could fast him for a day and then do it every week. Call it the Betta Weight Loss Program. :D lol. just kidding.
i dont think i could do that :< he would problay die!! 8)
With the plant in his tank/bowl he could be fasted for about a day or so. Bettas don't need to eat too much.
the thing is, fasting all fish is good for them. fast them all once a week, say friday, and they'll get to digest all the food they've eaten over the week, making them lose their extra fish-pounds and be more active and happy!
also, snotirl, i just finished reading your sig. i'd like to say, even though i believe overstocking to be something done to newbie tanks and pet store tanks, yours are quite bad.

Tank 5 gallon
2 silver mollies
1 pleco
3 neon tetras
1 Red tailedshark
2 african clawed frogs
2 Gourami's

the mollies and tetras are fine, but the pleco and shark will get big, the frogs and gouramis will get aggressive. i suggest returning them to the store or selling them and replacing them with a pair of corydoras.

Tank 15 gallon
1 Pleco
2 clown loaches one albino cory
1 male and female swordtail
1 sisemase fighter.

the pleco will get large, almost a foot long, as will the loaches. and the cory desperately needs a pal. return the plec and loaches and replace them with two more cories, also the male swordtail will exhaust the female when he wants to breed. as a general livebearer rule it's two females to a male.

Tank 50gallons cold water tank
1 comet
1 blue oraf
1 koi
7 goldfish
1 schubkin

the comet and schubkin are fine, i'm not sure was an oraf is, but the goldfish and koi are pond fishies. they belong in a great big pond where they can roam around. but if that's working fine leave it, it seems like a nice setup

this is JUST my opinion, please nobody snap at me, i'm just pointing out some things -hides-.
I had this problem. How many times a day are you feeding it? I was feeding mine 2ce a day. I reduced it to once a day and a little less food. On Sunday's I don't feed them at all. It helps their digestive system rest or something like that. My betta is back in shape now!
the thing is, fasting all fish is good for them. fast them all once a week, say friday, and they'll get to digest all the food they've eaten over the week, making them lose their extra fish-pounds and be more active and happy!

you also may be overfeeding. how often are you feeding him? his nature, and purpose in life is to find food, and mate so he'll be glad to scoop up any food u dorp in there
sweet life! :lol:
BettaBoyz said:
also, snotirl, i just finished reading your sig. i'd like to say, even though i believe overstocking to be something done to newbie tanks and pet store tanks, yours are quite bad.

Tank 5 gallon
2 silver mollies
1 pleco
3 neon tetras
1 Red tailedshark
2 african clawed frogs
2 Gourami's

the mollies and tetras are fine, but the pleco and shark will get big, the frogs and gouramis will get aggressive. i suggest returning them to the store or selling them and replacing them with a pair of corydoras.

Tank 15 gallon
1 Pleco
2 clown loaches one albino cory
1 male and female swordtail
1 sisemase fighter.

the pleco will get large, almost a foot long, as will the loaches. and the cory desperately needs a pal. return the plec and loaches and replace them with two more cories, also the male swordtail will exhaust the female when he wants to breed. as a general livebearer rule it's two females to a male.

Tank 50gallons cold water tank
1 comet
1 blue oraf
1 koi
7 goldfish
1 schubkin

the comet and schubkin are fine, i'm not sure was an oraf is, but the goldfish and koi are pond fishies. they belong in a great big pond where they can roam around. but if that's working fine leave it, it seems like a nice setup

this is JUST my opinion, please nobody snap at me, i'm just pointing out some things -hides-.
I will tell u somthing the coldwater tank i have being keeping it for 6 years never one death! The tropical tanks not overstocked its understocked its that i just wrote in the wrong numbers for gallons i got it messed up OK!!!! :angry:
peter101 said:
the thing is, fasting all fish is good for them. fast them all once a week, say friday, and they'll get to digest all the food they've eaten over the week, making them lose their extra fish-pounds and be more active and happy!

you also may be overfeeding. how often are you feeding him? his nature, and purpose in life is to find food, and mate so he'll be glad to scoop up any food u dorp in there
sweet life! :lol:
I feed my bettas once or twice a day, every other day. I'm trying my best to keep their bowls clean. But, am I doing this right? Or do they need to eat more? It looks like they'll eat when I leave because when I come back in about an hour or so, the worms are gone.
calm down snotirl, even if you posted the wrong number the Plec, Loaches, Sharks and Frogs will still get too big or dangerous for the tanks. i think the first three get to be a foot long, and the Frogs will munch anything they can fit in their mouths.

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