okay, this is the first fish I've ever owned and I've become very attached to him. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I dont know what I can do. Here is the scenario:
- loss of appetite for about 2.5 weeks. He ate a lot about 4 days ago but has barely eaten anything else in the last 2.5 weeks.
- he stays in his 'home' which is a plastic tree stump and only comes out every couple of hours or so to swim to the top and sip some air from the surface.
- he doesn't seem to recognize that I'm there, he used to swim up to me right away, not he either doesnt care or doesnt see me.
- He seems confused sometimes like he cant find his house. Sometimes after he swims up for air, he cant find the opening to his home.
- when he cant find the opening to his home, he just lays at the bottom of the tank partially on his side almost lifeless looking.
- I think he looks a little bloated around his gills but my girlfriend doesnt think so.
- His color is loosing brilliance
Tank conditions:
- He's the only fish in a 10 gallon tank
- the tank has an undergravel filter with air difusers and activated carbon
- I've tested for everything you can by a test kit for (amonia, chorine, cloramine, ph, hardness, etc) and the only thing that is a bit off is the hardness, the hardness is one notch too hard on the tested
What I've tried:
- I thought one of his fins was more scraggly looking that the other so I tried these fin-rot capsules. I used 2 of them and they turned the water real green which is what the package said they were supposed to. I waited 48 hours and used to more. Then I waited another 24 hours, did a 25% water change and replaced the activated carbon.
- a week ago, we did a full water change except for about a liter of his old water
- I've tried to feed him special betta food as well as freeze dried blood worms.
The fin-rot medicin package said that the green in the water should go away after adding fresh activated carbon. I did this about 12 hours ago, and the water is still very green. He seems to have gotten worse since adding the fin-rot medicine. I cant really try any new foods cuz he wont even fome to the surface. If I go pick up his home, he seems to have plenty of energy to swim out but then just rests on the bottom. He looks very sad. I have a big bowl at home now with tap water that I've treated with ammo-lock and the stuff that makes tap water ok. I'm hoping to find out what I need to do to save him and I'll run home from work if need be and change him into the new bowl. I just wasnt sure if that would make things worse.
Any advice would be great, this is my first fish, I dont know what else to do, please help!!
Thank you very much in advance.
- loss of appetite for about 2.5 weeks. He ate a lot about 4 days ago but has barely eaten anything else in the last 2.5 weeks.
- he stays in his 'home' which is a plastic tree stump and only comes out every couple of hours or so to swim to the top and sip some air from the surface.
- he doesn't seem to recognize that I'm there, he used to swim up to me right away, not he either doesnt care or doesnt see me.
- He seems confused sometimes like he cant find his house. Sometimes after he swims up for air, he cant find the opening to his home.
- when he cant find the opening to his home, he just lays at the bottom of the tank partially on his side almost lifeless looking.
- I think he looks a little bloated around his gills but my girlfriend doesnt think so.
- His color is loosing brilliance
Tank conditions:
- He's the only fish in a 10 gallon tank
- the tank has an undergravel filter with air difusers and activated carbon
- I've tested for everything you can by a test kit for (amonia, chorine, cloramine, ph, hardness, etc) and the only thing that is a bit off is the hardness, the hardness is one notch too hard on the tested
What I've tried:
- I thought one of his fins was more scraggly looking that the other so I tried these fin-rot capsules. I used 2 of them and they turned the water real green which is what the package said they were supposed to. I waited 48 hours and used to more. Then I waited another 24 hours, did a 25% water change and replaced the activated carbon.
- a week ago, we did a full water change except for about a liter of his old water
- I've tried to feed him special betta food as well as freeze dried blood worms.
The fin-rot medicin package said that the green in the water should go away after adding fresh activated carbon. I did this about 12 hours ago, and the water is still very green. He seems to have gotten worse since adding the fin-rot medicine. I cant really try any new foods cuz he wont even fome to the surface. If I go pick up his home, he seems to have plenty of energy to swim out but then just rests on the bottom. He looks very sad. I have a big bowl at home now with tap water that I've treated with ammo-lock and the stuff that makes tap water ok. I'm hoping to find out what I need to do to save him and I'll run home from work if need be and change him into the new bowl. I just wasnt sure if that would make things worse.
Any advice would be great, this is my first fish, I dont know what else to do, please help!!
Thank you very much in advance.