Betta Is Acting Funny?


New Member
May 11, 2008
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Toledo, OH
I just fed it -- so it fed normally. Afterwards it moved to lay on the gravel -- and see to like.. rub or brush up against it while laying there? o_o;

I've never seen it do something like this.
It's a 2.5 gallon -- has an real aquatic plant in the tank with the betta. It's been making bubble nests as well. Twice -- though the nests easily popped. Always after a water change.


It does have a small case of fin rot -- since it was poorly kept at the pet store. I've always been changing his water every day to every other day. He's been improving there.
Either bloated or SBD. Try feeding a boiled pea and then fasting the next day. Pics would help a ton
ok if he has fin rot, im pretty sure u shud be treating him with meds, rubbing or flicking cud be parasites, i think u shud ask wilder and she what she thinks

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