betta info wanted


Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
Reaction score
South England
would be really happy if some one could tell me about bettas!!!! on keeping and breeding them and everything also i saw early some give soem one alot of sites links but i cant find it now they would be helpful!!!! :D :hyper: :thumbs: i havnt got any bettas yet . want help with reseach befor ei go into anything thnx peeps !! :D
I don't mean to be rude, by why don't you just buy a book? There's plenty of betta books out there. The Betta Society (who's links were posted in another discussion) includes a book list - why not take that list to your local library or bookshop?
There's a great book by Mic & Maddy Hargrave (or is it Hargrove?? I'm at work right now and can't remember...sorry) that I bought when I got my first betta. And there are some really good other ones out there. Then there's other websites like this one that also has articles, etc. (maybe it's .net) is good...or do a Google search on bettas too. Most LPS/LFS have a good selection of books as well, or will order for you (or any good bookstore...go to,, or any other and do a search....heck, the public library's a good place and you don't have to actually buy the book). has some great info sheets (in store and online) that cover specific species of fish and also other fish keeping info (i.e. saltwater & freshwater aquariums, nitrogen cycle, etc.). has information too.

Lot's of info out there, you just have to take the time to do the research. :)
one i dnt have a credit card so i can't but a ny books over the net ... which anoys me cos they alot of them out there tow my libray are crap they dnt seem to have hardly any books on fish but i will look again! :D yes i will do a reseach on the net but i thought mabe there would be a few peeps who knew a lot form experice! :D :thumbs:
Hey just go into a local LFS and just ask to see the books and do it a bit of reading there. Or you oculd go to the library and borrow a book. ;) (Don't forget to borrow Asterix and Obelix ;) )
Bettas, are great fish. I now have 4 after rescuing 2 the other day. I have to say that i am glad that you are going to get info on them before getting them. Too many people think that they can live in a little cup and be happy. Mostly i think they need alot of love and good water, and of course food. I feed mine Hikari Betta Bio-Gold Pellets twice a day. I also feed them bloodworms. Usually if you keep their water in good condition, and feed them properly, you dont have many problems with them. They also like to have places to hide, adleast all 4 of mine do. Mine also love their plants, i think it makes them feel more at home, since they do come from rice patty planes. Good luck on your reading, and let us know what you get. Sandy

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