Betta In Need Of Help: Update!


New Member
Oct 20, 2007
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Previously posted topic- Betta in need of help

Still havent been able to get him a new tank due to family bereavement :(. Im about to head down to my lfs now for a browse and some melafix(although hes already looking better after water changes and healthy diet). Yesterday i noticed this appear on the top of the water? or is it just where hes taken a breath on the surface? (see pic below)Is this him creating a bubble nest? Should i get him a female? If so is there anything i should take into consideration when buying the tank, or would i just need a divider? Thanks again!

That bubble nest just means he's happy. It looks really good. And your betta is gorgeous, too. ♥
sorry to hear about ur loss, i hope u feel better.......hah thats a huge nest ,, he is a very happy boy! ur taking great care of him. but i would ask sombody that knows a little more than me about the shells,, i heard they can change the ph or do somthing to the water ,, i dont rember what but they arent always good to have in a tank,,u can get gravel or betta sand at the pet store,, just wash it out real good so there is no dust. and he will survive in the jar for a while. what size tank u u thinkin about getting? i think personaly 1 gal is the minimum they should have to be really happy,, if u want to spluge get a 2.5 or a 5. and he dosent have to have a gf, males can not ever live with females and breeding is a huge responsbility, haha and sometimes a pain !! :crazy:

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