betta in community tank?


James flexton
Jun 29, 2004
Reaction score
Stotfold, Bedfordshire, UK
Hi Everyone,

i have just had my first batch of Guppy Fry in my 10G community tank. to cut a long story short, i need to put the fry in my 2G betta tank to mature.

i am moving the betta into one of the following tanks, what would he be most happy in and more importantly will he clash with any of the current stock in them??

option 1:

10 Gallon: 5 male guppies, 3 female, 1 molly, 1 shrimp, 1 angelfish, 1 pleco

40 Gallon: 1 bala Shark (5 inches), 4 boesmani rainbows, 6 zebra danios, 1 angelfish, 1 Swordtail, 1 Blue Ram, 1 Pleco

which tank would you put the betta in, or are they both no good?????

why not just buy a little 1.5-2 gallon bowl for youe betta?
it would cost you less than 10 bucks

sorry for chasing you guys but my Guppy fry need to move home.

will the betta be okay in the 40 Gallon? at the moment he's going in as soon as i get home.

does anyone think this will be a problem?
I put my crowntail Ozzy in a 55 gallon for a few weeks while I divided a tank for him with another male. He was ok in there and didn't mind the strong current from the fluval 4 but not all bettas like the movement of water. He also found it hard competing for food as all the guppies and platties scoffed everything the second it hit the water and he likes to look at his pellets before he scoffs them.

I have heard that as they like to patrol their territory they could get tired if the tank is too big :dunno: in a fix you could try it but I have no experience with most of your fish so couldn't comment on compatability
From what I recall from other similar theads, guppies are said to be a bad idea because basically to a betta, the somewhat flashy flowy fins of a guppy look the same and the betta could try and attack it. Further, reference is made to danios being fin nippers and we just had a thread about a pleco possibly being a problem in a betta setup. Bettas are also known to eat ghost shrimp :p

Betta's can touchy, its best to keep the males alone. As long as your home is at a stable temperature, you can make up the difference with a lamp over the bowl. I use a UV one at night so its not too bright but still very warm, and stick a tin foil cap on the bowl cuz the ambient air is too cool and dry here now. The bowl stays at 76.
I posted the question about the Betta and Pleco. Both fish belong to a friend of mine. We observed them a little and never saw the Pleco sucking at the Betta. Than after a day or two notice a few more missing scales... so we took out the Pleco. We have not noticed any new missing scales since.
Bettas and guppies do not mix very well. The betta will take the long flowing finnage of the guppies, or any fish with long finnage for that matter, for another betta and will attack and/or kill it. I have read of many instances of bettas eating ghost shrimp, but mostly in small tanks. It really depends on the bettas personality. I have been keeping them for about 6 months and out of all the bettas that I have brought home (a total of, 13) Only one has been so agressive that the only tank mate that he will tolerate is an AFD (he ate ghost shrimp, and attacked pigmy corries every chance he got though they were too fast for him). Snails are definatly out of the question. Every time I tried a snail in one of my betta tanks, the poor snail wouldn't hardly come out of his shell, so now I have 3 ramshorn snails in a 10 gal tank and praying to any god out there for prevention of a snail explosion though unfortunatly it will probably happen. Anyway, I have been drinking tonight and am rambling so the main point of this post is that it really depends on the personality of the betta. You will just have to try it and see. You don't have 1 square foot of flat surface anywhere for just a 1 gallon bowl?
Guppys are a definate no, they wont last an hour in there, betta just have this extream hatred toward them for some reason and its not the bright tails, even my female gup got knocked around with a betta and her tail is just pale black. fry of any kind will not work in a betta tank, that is what food bettas like most :D

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