Betta In Community Tank?


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Does anyone here have a betta in a community tank? I was wondering how do you feed the betta?
ive always kept them in peaceful communities and fed them on flakes same as any other fish
I have a 20g community and I need to get rid of one of my little betta tanks, so I was thinking of putting the betta in the community tank but he usually eats Bio-Gold pellets and I am wondering how will I feed him that with all the other fish around. :/
When I used to keep a betta in a community tank I would drop the flakes in first for the rest of the fish, then I would drop the betta's pellets over his head. He always swam to my fingers when it was dinner time.
My betta is in a community tank and feeds with the other fish, he either eats the freeze dried tubifex or the sinking algae flakes! He tends to chase the others from his corner at feeding time where he hides a bit of food in some plants!
I have and still do occasionally keep some of my females with juvie mollies. I just feed the bettas first, usually pellets or live foods. The mollies can't eat pellets and they will share the live food. Then I feed the mollies.
i keep my betta's(1 male 2 females) in my community tank and they thrive on tropcal fish flakes :)
i keep my betta's(1 male 2 females) in my community tank and they thrive on tropcal fish flakes :)

oh god, dont keep males witha ny other betta, male or female, you will (soon) end up witha tank full of deceased bettas :-(
I have a Betta in a community tank, he's been there going on 5 years now. He knows how to get to his food, and the other fish don't bother him, but originally I fed him on one side in a feeding ring while I fed the others on the other side. :)
my betta is in a community tank with neons and a coolie loach-

he goes to the surface when ever i lift the lid so generally has 1st choice of any food i put in.

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