Fish Addict
I was just wondering if you could. I've seen people have them in their tanks and I thought it would be a good idea to place my Veiltail Betta, who is in a 1.5g container, in my Community 30.
I have these fish in the tank:
-Two Golden Gourami's
-A bunch of Black Tetras
-Some Danios
-Assorted Cories
-A Ropefish (She's going to be moved to a 55 soon)
Will he be okay in there? the tank has Neutral Ph and is heated to 78 degrees. Thanks!
I have these fish in the tank:
-Two Golden Gourami's
-A bunch of Black Tetras
-Some Danios
-Assorted Cories
-A Ropefish (She's going to be moved to a 55 soon)
Will he be okay in there? the tank has Neutral Ph and is heated to 78 degrees. Thanks!