Betta in a Community Tank...


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
I was just wondering if you could. I've seen people have them in their tanks and I thought it would be a good idea to place my Veiltail Betta, who is in a 1.5g container, in my Community 30.

I have these fish in the tank:

-Two Golden Gourami's
-A bunch of Black Tetras
-Some Danios
-Assorted Cories
-A Ropefish (She's going to be moved to a 55 soon)

Will he be okay in there? the tank has Neutral Ph and is heated to 78 degrees. Thanks! :)
Don't think you should keep them with Gouramis, and Danios are fin nippers aren't they? I wouldn't risk it myself, but he should get on with the Cories.
Lots of people will tell you no but I have a male and 3 female bettas in my community tank with Gouramis and all sorts (see sig) I've had no problems whatsoever. If you do it I'd keep a careful eye on them. If your tank is big enough and they can "have there own space" you should be fine (in my experience)
kev_kb said:
Danios are fin nippers aren't they?
Not all Danios are fin nippers, I wish everyone would not tar all danios with the same brush :/ Yes Zebras and leopards can be, I repete can be, fin nippers if not kept in the ideal conditions.

I currently have a male betta in a 36" bow fornt tank with danio albolineatus, danio nigrofasciatus and danio roseus, also in this tank are WCMM's and neon tetras. I also have a female betta in a 2ft tank with danio hikari and miscrorasbora rubescens.
So to answer the question at hand. Yes, you can keep bettas with community fish with no problems providing that;
1) the tank is big enough and
2) you choose you tank mates wisely.
With your fish, though, the fin-nipping might not be the only problem. Bettas can also be rather temperamental and territorial, and if it were to attack the gouramis and they were to attack back, you could have a rather injured betta.

Just make sure you have places for refuge, i.e. plants. And make sure none of these plants or decorations can rip the bettas fins.

How many of the danios and tetras do you have, by the way?
i had my betta in with zebra danios with no probs wots so ever,if anything the danios kept out of his way.As to the gouramis i wouldnt mix them,i had two honey gouramis who would nip the bettas to shreds at night.
I should have clarified what kind of Danios I had. I have 4 Giant danios in the tank. My only concern is the Lava rocks I have in the tank. They are rough so, would he be okay with those?
Here's the tank:

See those Lava rocks? Those are the only thing I'm worried about. :/
StingrayKid said:
I should have clarified what kind of Danios I had. I have 4 Giant danios in the tank. My only concern is the Lava rocks I have in the tank. They are rough so, would he be okay with those?
Going on that I'd say yes to the giant danios, as i have kept a male betta with giants in the past on a 4ft tank. I will leave the answer about gouramies to those with experiance of those fish.

the lava rock
If you feel this will be to harsh for the betta, or any other fish come to that, then remove them. Personally I'd never use lava rock for that very reason.
IME, gold gouramis can get quite aggressive. I wouldn't put a betta with them.
I think I will try this out and see if the Gourami's are okay with his presence, or likewise. Thanks for the help everyone.
some people ar saying that thye have been successful and some are saying that they havent.
i say if at least one person has been unsuccessful, dont risk it. its not worht putting your fish in jeopardy.
I find that the fast moving danio's are fine with bettas, they have never IME done anythign harmful to my fighters. ;)

I can't say ive ever kept a gourami and betta together because Im not taking the risk...but like people have said here maybe it isn't that bad in some cases.
Bue gouramis=Gold gouramis, blues are mean, golds are mean. To gouramis and bettas for the most part. Just keep an eye on them, if anything gets out of hand, separate them :nod:

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