betta in a bowl


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2003
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OK, over 2 years, I've had bettas. I had one at a time. I kept them in a 1-gallon fish bowl, when one died i got another. that happened 4 times. now my betta is living in a tank, but I want a betta in my 1-gallon fish bowl. the first 2 bettas died because my water wasn't cycled, my 3rd lived a year and a half. then my fourth one got this red dot on his head and died (i don't know what happened)! my dad thinks that it's because they lived in a fish bowl and that fish can't live in a fish bowl. i've tried telling him that they can, but he won't listen. Is there like some secret to keeping bettas in a bowl?? please tell me everything i need to know about keeping a betta in a bowl!
It's not the shape of the tank that really matters (a bowl or a rectangle is much the same from the fish's POV, I expect) but the conditions. If the bowl is filtered and kept at a constant temperature, I'm sure its as good as a tank. However, many bowls are not filtered and the temperature varies because they don't have a heater.

A betta can survive in an unfiltered tank, but an unfiltered tank is much more prone to ammonia and nitrite spikes (the bacteria need aeration to keep them healthy); a tank or bowl that gets chilled in the night can affect the betta's immune system adversely, particularly leading to fin-rot and fungal infections.

I would say a bowl is not ideal. Whether that is why you had bad luck with your bettas I cannot be certain - I lost one after only 9 months despite lavishing loving care on him. Of course, you don't know hold old the betta is when you buy him.
Alien Anna said:
A betta can survive in an unfiltered tank, but an unfiltered tank is much more prone to ammonia and nitrite spikes (the bacteria need aeration to keep them healthy); a tank or bowl that gets chilled in the night can affect the betta's immune system adversely, particularly leading to fin-rot and fungal infections.
my dad thinks they can't because there is no filter
Bettas can happily live in a bowl if there are constant water changes. However the problem with bowls is that they can change temperature quite dramatically (e.g. my first betta died when I put him in my heated tank because of the temp difference, i did float him in the water first etc...). They can live in bowls. In the wild they actually live in small spaces such as horse imprints. However they have a warmer climate in thailand.

So overall they can live in a bowl (Tell your dad that) however yes they need frequent water changes and if possible kept near at least a light bulb for some temp increase in winter. :D
I have several that reside in large 1 gallon bowls, I change about 60% of the water once or twice a week (depending on how messy each betta is), using a turkey baster as always :rolleyes: , the water has cycled and they're at zero ammonia and nitrite :nod: . Very frequent water changes are needed during the 1st few weeks just to get them through the cycle, but it can be done. You can always use old tank water in the beginning to speed up the process. The temperature is a tricky area, I keep mine out of drafts and away from the air conditioner vents. Make sure it's lidded (you can sometimes use an old tupperware bowl lid for a lid) to avoid jumping and to keep the air above the water humid so the little guy doesn't get a respiratory infection.

I say....go for it!!! That bowl is going to waste empty and somewhere there's a betta who needs a home :wub:
I have a betta, i just call him betta, and i have had him for almost two years now, and he has never had his water conditioned, i do a 100% water change every week and hes living happily in his one gallon bowl. I tried to put him in my ten gallon tank but my tetras wanted to be little butt heads and bite his fins, so i took him out as soon as i saw it, which was maybe 12 hours later.

He has always lived pretty happily wihtout any of that special stuff which is weird. He hasn't ever had anything wrong, no fungus, or diseases nothing like that. I guess im lucky or he is just ammune to it?

He is a good betta, he lets me pet him softly so i like him a lot. I just wanted to say that because i believe YES they absolutly can live wihtout a heater, and wihtout a filter, my betta is proof of that. :D
I forgot to add...bettas that live in extremely small areas like a jar/small bowl usually don't have a heater and bettas that live in temps under approx 76 deg F may become sluggish, often his colors will be dull, his spirite wanes and so does his appetite, fins droop, colors diminish and lassitude leaves him open to hostile attacks from other species (If there are any in there) :D
If I can convince my parents to let me set-up the fish bowl again, I'll get another betta. I really love those fishies!!! Would I be able to just fill the fish bowl like 80% with water from my 4 month tank (already cycled and everything), then fill the rest with new water then not have to go through cycling??
as long as your tank is disease free it should be fine, maybe do a gravel vac/water change the day before ...let the water settle then take a handful of gravel and the water and go from there ;)
Have fun!!
SneakBetta said:
Would I be able to just fill the fish bowl like 80% with water from my 4 month tank (already cycled and everything), then fill the rest with new water then not have to go through cycling??
thats exactly what i do. i have a betta in a 1 gallon fish bowl, and he is very happy there.
as wuvmybetta points out, make sure you do a vac before you do it.
i also use a product called waste control - it breaaks down all the yucky stuff- it looks like this:

i put this in the betta bowl on the 3'rd or 4th day (since i change the water weekly) just so he's in nice clean water.
best of luck! :nod:

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