Betta in 10 gal


New Member
Jun 28, 2004
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I gave my buddy back his convicts (that were in my 10 gal) and moved my betta to a 10 gal along with the other fish that are now in there. I like this fish SO much better now that he's got some room to move. but my question: There's a bit of algae growing and I want to put in a pleco, what is the smallest pleco I can put in a tank and will a betta attack it (since they are usually brown)
well, if you get a common pleco it's going to grow to be huge, and obvoiuslyc an't fit in your 10g tank. I know there are species of plecos that are not so oversized, but i don't know their names (i don' thave a plec myself) -_-

as for the betta, i doubt he'd try and attack the pleco.
You could get like 3 or 4 ottos. They're little and they do a good job on the algae and they're peaceful. Get at least 3 though because they don't like to be alone. They only grow to be about an inch and a half so they'd be ok for a 10 gallon.
See,aside from the size factor, the thing is that most plecos prefer a hard,heavy, fast current. While a betta prefers calm water. How about a huge mystery snail? They'll rip up algae like nobodies business, plus your betta will enjoy scaring it all day :whistle:

The smallest algae eater would be an otto. IME betta don't really care for them too much :look:
iv got a 10g with 2 corys and a pleco with my pair of gups and he does fine in a small tank, but i suppose if he gets oversized id have to take him to the pet store and get credit for him :D hes eats everything, my tank was covered in alge and in a single night hes ate almost all of it :thumbs:
yes plecos get huge i just had my plec for a while after my guppies died off and so i was puttin food in the tank just so it had something to eat got huge
lol iv seen sum big ones but i dont think mine will reach that size i dont think he eats food, he just eats alge. right now hes only like 2 inches long. my 2 corys take care of the missed food

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