betta house question


New Member
Aug 17, 2003
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I saw local pet store sells security house to put in bigger tank to house betta. I have 10g and 2g tank. I am considering female betta. Do you think betta will be happier in the security house inside 10g tank or in 2g tank by itself. 10g tank already has some fish in it. Putting betta means I cannot get anymore fish for 10g tank as I seen betta can easily grow to 3 inches.

I keep a male betta in a 12 gal tank with tank-mates - black neon tetras and cherry barbs. I think this is absolutely fine provided the tank isn't too deep, has plenty of plants/bogwood to hide in and the tankmates are not fin-nippers. I've had a female betta in a community tank but I think my tank was too deep for her. Also, despite having small fins, she still suffered from fin-nippers (I had an aggressive red-tailed black shark in there).
Since you have black skirt tetras in your bigger tank, I just wanted to tell you this-
I have a black skirt tetra with a betta and my black skirt tetra's fins are always getting torn. Once I think they are done, the betta comes by and gets his fins. Maybe since you have two black skirt tetra's it won't be a problem to the betta. I don't know, I just wanted to warn you!!
If the betta goes to 10g tank, she will be in a security tank. The tank is sort of like a hatchery tank. Fin nipping won't be concern since the betta will be separated with other fish. My concern is if betta will be happy in a security tank because security tank is the size of pop can. Do you think the betta will be happier in a 2g tank instead?
nemo said:
If the betta goes to 10g tank, she will be in a security tank. The tank is sort of like a hatchery tank. Fin nipping won't be concern since the betta will be separated with other fish. My concern is if betta will be happy in a security tank because security tank is the size of pop can. Do you think the betta will be happier in a 2g tank instead?
Even bettas like to be able to swim about and they like hiding in plants, hiding in caves etc. I wouldn't personally keep one in a tank smaller than 5 gals but I know people who do. Given the choice, I think I'd rather set up a little 5 gal for the betta on its own than put it in something as small as that security tank sounds. It would stress the betta out seeing what it saw as competition or predators on the other side of the glass.

Is there any particular reason why you can't get a tank that's bigger than 2 gals? My 2 gal spare tank (previously used to take the gerbil to the vet) doesn't have a particularly larger footprint than my 5 gal hospital tank.
Personally I would either put the betta in the 2 gallon or get a tank devider for the 10 gallon which would keep the betta on one side away from the rest. I think the security thing you are talking about may just be too small for him to live happily in. If it floats in the tank, and accidently sinks, he will drown since they are air breathers from the top of the tank. I have black skirt tetras, and mine are agressive, they used to be nice, when small, but now are full grown and nip at everyone in there. I would not chance putting a betta in with them. Good luck and let us know what you decide to do.
I would put it in the 2 gallon tank. I think 2 gallons is enough for a betta, I have one in a .5 gallon tank and he seams happy. Of course the bigger the better. Unless the tank is to big.
i agree with shimanocono i had a female betta in a 10 gallon with some very peaceful guppies and platies......then i moved her to a .5 gallon and she actually eats now :D a 2 gallon tank in my opinion is enough and i think it would be better then putting your betta in a breeding box :blink:
I've always heard that bettas need AT LEAST 1 gallon to themselves to be happy. I'd put the little female in the 2 gallon tank.
I think the 2gal would be a better choice for the betta compared to the floating device. They 2 gal just has more space for the female swim around. However, bettas can live in smaller spaces and would live in this device, that's not to say it should be done. I think the biggest problem this could arise is that the betta would be stressed by the other fish all around it, even if they can't reach her she can still see them and get either mad or afraid. All bettas are not alike so this may not happen. It depends on the personality of the female you get. I know I've had bettas in the past the were easily scared, others that would flare at anything, and yet, even others that were pretty much easy going and nothing bothered them. Good Luck. :D :D :D

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