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Fish Crazy
May 10, 2005
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United States
I'd like to rescue some bettas from their tiny cups at my LFS, but I can't set up a big aquarium for each one. What's the smallest size container that they will do well in?

Would they do okay in quart jars (of which I already have many on hand) if I did water changes every other day? Or do I need something bigger? If I have to go out and buy bigger containers, it'll mean I can buy less bettas, so there's a tradeoff.

Also, if you guys had all your bettas housed in quart-sized Mason jars, what would you put inside for decoration, etc., and what upkeep would you perform?
I'd say one gallon is the absolute minimum size you should house a betta in long term. A quart sized container barely gives them enough room to stretch ther fins :/
I agree, that is too small. It would be hard to treat (with medication). I would only use that small of size if, say, you were jarring young fry.

One gallon kritter keepers usually are about $10 or under. Also, if you go to garage sales your sure to find some 1 gallon jars or tanks that are cheap. I just recently got a 1 gallon cookie jar for $1 at a garage sale.
Thats a great idea, as long as (if the fish has a disease) you treat the fish BEFORE you put it into the divided tank. You don't want to spread it to the other fish.
Thanks for your replies! I didn't think that it'd be good to keep bettas in quart jars, but I had heard that some breeders do that (or is that only for fry?) Anyway, I'm glad you replied, and I've decided, with difficulty, only to buy bettas when I have one-gallon homes for them. Even though it would be nice to be able to rescue a dozen or two and put them in jars, I'll restrain myself. Thanks!

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