Betta Home?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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I was looking on the argos site and came across a fish tank, if you got the book its page 1652 (boys toys) its called a crystal fish tank.. in the picture there is a betta. Anyway it is half price at the moment but there is no idea of size. Has anyone actually seen one of these? This topic might have been covered earlier but as I am a newbie I could have missed it. -_-
I was looking on the argos site and came across a fish tank, if you got the book its page 1652 (boys toys) its called a crystal fish tank.. in the picture there is a betta. Anyway it is half price at the moment but there is no idea of size. Has anyone actually seen one of these? This topic might have been covered earlier but as I am a newbie I could have missed it. -_-

If you find out size will you let me no, Also if you look in willkinsons theres a fish tank there with lid for £4.99.

Here's a site you can order small to large quantities of things for bettas.
That looks horrid, and I can see all sorts of problems happening with those crystals.

You can get a normal kritter keeper type tank for less than that and larger.
Try here.
A girl at work wants a betta and is trying to find a glass vase or similar not sure what she is on 2 boys are in a small tank and the other is sharing with 3 mollies (divided as mollies are a bit frisky) but she asked me to ask what the vases are like?
hi i've just been & got this tank from pets at home :) it was in the sale for £39 its 22 litres & the only thing going in is ninja as the kids have named him.


its got the light filter & heater & is just right for him
Has anyone seen the national geographic tank argos have for sale. Its less than a gallon unfiltered has a viewing perascope and suggests its ok for goldfish not very clever I am afraid. National geographic should know better than to put there name to this product and argos should leave selling fish tanks to lfs.
Is that the one with an underwater theme and a volcano or something in it? About £25 one of the TAs at school got her son one for xmas.
sounds like the one page 1650 in my catalogue 24.99, so wrong
Has anyone seen the national geographic tank argos have for sale. Its less than a gallon unfiltered has a viewing perascope and suggests its ok for goldfish not very clever I am afraid. National geographic should know better than to put there name to this product and argos should leave selling fish tanks to lfs.

Sister in laws child got one for xmas and i was round there today and its tiny not worth the money, she has 5 guppys in there :/. I dont think any think should be in there personaly only a plastic fish!.

thats the one no as big as the picture would have you belive.

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