betta help


fancy goldfish rule!!!
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Jersey, Channel Islands, UK
i have been admiring all your betta's for ages now and never been able to get one as no where here sells them.

well today went to the shop to buy supplies and they had the most gorgeous betta's, kind of purple/blue/green colour. first betta i have seen in the flesh. had a chat with the guy and he said they are only getting a few in a week and they are all kept in their own planted 5 gallon tanks while in the shop :thumbs: this is such a good shop whenever someone wants fish the guy wants to know tank size and occupants and how long it is running before he will consider selling the fish to you.

any ways i want one now lol.

i have an old 5 gallon tank with a built in heater and overhead filter. i was thinking of having gravel as a substrate. a fair few live plants and turn the filter on to low so the current isnt that much. how does this sound?

thanks for anyhelp.

soon to be a betta keeper :D
Hello again, i seem to be following you around the forums :lol:

That is a perfect setup for a Betta, they certainly do better in a tank on their own and a 5 gal is about the right size. Low current is also ideal and a Betta should be very happy in that tank.
haha hi again.

brilliant. the betta's are so pretty. cant wait toget his home set up on my desk.

out of interest how much do betta'susually cost.

need to convince the parents to let me set up the old 5 gallon now :kana:
In the UK they are about £3-£4, which is about $6-$8 but like most things i'll bet they are cheaper than that over there. :lol:
Ferris said:
In the UK they are about £3-£4, which is about $6-$8 but like most things i'll bet they are cheaper than that over there. :lol:
do u mean stuff is cheaper in Jersey than the mainland?

the betta'si saw were £3.95

I saw Jersey in your sig and thought New Jersey, USA......oops! :rofl:

£3.95 is about right, not cheap, not expensive.
We will trade you New Jersey , for a couple of fish shops, with owners like they have in (Old ?) Jersey . :D
depends where I go, Petco here sells male bettas for $2.99 US, and females for $1.99 US for VT.

In Magic Isle and the rest, the males are $3.99 US, Female's $2.99 VT. $7.99 for CT male, $4.99 for female CT.

about average.

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