Betta has short fins.


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ontario Cananda
I've been looking at pics of Betas in the Members Pics area and noticed that they all have long fins(of course lol) But when I look at mine, his fins seem really small in comparison. Could it be that I just have a young male instead of a fully mature male?

Also, I tried him in my community tank because I love seeing them in bigger tanks. The fish didn't seem to bother him. Actually, they were all very curious but stayed a good distance away. All looked like it was going to be fine, when he saw his reflection and wouldn't stop flaring and attacking it. I removed him because I was scared he would hurt himself. Would he eventually settle down and stop attacking? Or will he have to stay in something plastic with no reflection all his life?

Thanks for any help.

He should settle down after a while. I have mirrored backgrounds on both of my 10 gal betta tanks...they flared at their reflection for a while, but now it's no big deal to them. What side of the tank was he doing this? Maybe you can put more plants along that side to cut down on the reflection. HTH & Good Luck.

If I tried him in my community tank again they would have to be mighty tall plants. He was doing it at the top of the tank, it's a 65 gallon lol.

He will stop flaring at himself in a few days. Short fins? Do you have a picture of your betta? Could be a plakat. And those are no less attractive than the long-fins. :)
Gabe, where did you post the pictures? The only pictures I see from you in the photo section are not of Bettas, hehe. I may just be looking in the wrong place though.

Pretty fish. Not all long-finned bettas will produce long-finned babies. We've had some babies that grow only semi-long fins (about as long as your guy has now) even though the parents were from long-finned lines. If he is young, he may continue to grow his fins. If he's out of a plakat+long-fin breeding, he may not get long fins. There's no way to know except to be patient. I kind of like him with his semi-long fins--they sort of balance out his body and give equal time to his different colors.

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