Betta Got Stuck To Filter


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I have 2 of the same tanks with small internal Whisper filters for my Bettas. I have had these a long time, close to year, with no problems. I will post a pic below (see the black filter on the back wall). I thought she was dead, but when I removed the filter she slowly swam out and didn't look too good. She is now in my 1/2 gal. temporary tank. She kind of lied at the bottom alot. Now tonite she has perked back up again. I did notice her "resting" alot prior but saw no physical symptoms. She now has some scales gone and her tail fin is tattered. She has a small lump up top near her tail fin. Her fins do not look like tail rot. I am not sure if she is ill or she really just somehow got stuck and is showing injuries ??? If so I need to remove the filter off my other tank as well. If she is ill I need to know how to treat her. Thanks

Hi, Faythee,
so sorry to hear about your betta, and I expect an expert will show up shortly.
It does seem unlikely she'd be sucked up by her filter, after a year without this happening, unless she'd been weakened by some problem.
The very best of luck and if I could be of any help, I'd try.
she sure blows alot of bubbles! I hope she is ok. Seems very strange that a healthy adult betta would get stuck in a filter.
I think we could do with some pictures of her injuries, its fairly easy for bettas to get sucked onto filters they cant cope with high flow and as they have flowing fins they arent always the best swimmers, most people put tights over the in tube the current needs to be low
Thanks everyone. Well today she is acting pretty much normal again so I don't she is ill. She used to actually play around the filter but I think her tail got sucked up in there good and she couldn't get out and was weak from trying. Poor thing....I'm glad I went straight home after work. I am going to give the tank a good scrubbing with some hot water and remove both of those filters. I have seen those small sponge filters used for fry tanks at the store. Anyone use them or have any other suggestions ? thank you :)
Thanks everyone. Well today she is acting pretty much normal again so I don't she is ill. She used to actually play around the filter but I think her tail got sucked up in there good and she couldn't get out and was weak from trying. Poor thing....I'm glad I went straight home after work. I am going to give the tank a good scrubbing with some hot water and remove both of those filters. I have seen those small sponge filters used for fry tanks at the store. Anyone use them or have any other suggestions ? thank you :)

Well like I said getting some tights around the in tube will help that way she cant get her fins stuck in there as the mesh is too fine, the sponge filters are a good option and most people use them when rearing fry so they are certainly gentle
if she has gotten stuck once, even if you gentle the flow she may get stuck again, I would go with small sponge filters that can all be run off the same air pump if you use the right set of conectors.
Thank you everyone. I put her back in the 3 U.S. gallon tank today without the filter. Part of her tail fin is missing as well as a chunk from her underside fin. Where there is damage, it is brown around the edges. I do have Melafix but don't know how to make the dosage so small. Is there anything else I could try ?

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