Betta fussy eater?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I've tried zucchini, cucumber and de-shelled peas, he won't eat any of it at all. Ever since I've introduced him to dried bloodworms he refuses anything else. I tried to put some betta pellets in there and he just spits them out, along with any flakes. He will eat a few flakes ocassionaly, but really chows down on the bloodworms. Is this okay for his diet? I've bought brine shrimp pellets, sun dried shrimp parts, peas, zucchini, cucumber, flakes, even cichlid pellets! He doesn't like anything but the worms.

:dunno: Any advice?
just dont feed him anything else than flake for a while, he will eventually eat it. It may be frustrating but that was what I had to do with my Discus
Bloomjack said:
just dont feed him anything else than flake for a while, he will eventually eat it. It may be frustrating but that was what I had to do with my Discus
I always cave in though. He gives me "the face" and I just feel so bad for him and have to give him some worms. :wub: I guess I will try to get him eating the pellets and flakes from now on. Maybe I could give him flakes in the morning and worms at night? Then the next day pellets and worms. Then flakes and pellets and worms for a treat occasionally. :dunno:
Well If you're concerned you could try frozen bloodworms. Much more nutritous than freeze dried.
Idolz said:
Well If you're concerned you could try frozen bloodworms. Much more nutritous than freeze dried.
Maybe I'll do that too. :nod:

My dresser is like a fish food store I have..

2 different buckets of fish flake
cichlid pellets
sun dried shrimp
dried bloodworms
brine shrimp pellets
brine shrimp cubes

I've tried zucchini, cucumber and de-shelled peas

Well of course he wants blood worms over those; he's a carnivore :lol:

I would try frozen blood worms, brine shrimp, or even the special frozen carnivore diets until he stops being such a prima donna. The pellets are a bit more geared towards bettas than flakes, but if he likes that dry feel you could always work him towards eating healthier. I would first see if anything is up with his mouth though (fungus, injury, etc.) since he's rejected harder foods.
RandomWiktor said:
I've tried zucchini, cucumber and de-shelled peas

Well of course he wants blood worms over those; he's a carnivore :lol:

I would try frozen blood worms, brine shrimp, or even the special frozen carnivore diets until he stops being such a prima donna. The pellets are a bit more geared towards bettas than flakes, but if he likes that dry feel you could always work him towards eating healthier. I would first see if anything is up with his mouth though (fungus, injury, etc.) since he's rejected harder foods.
No, his mouth is perfectly fine, I think he is just addicted to the worms. :rolleyes: He inhales them so fast he has to flare to get them all down at times. :wub: He is quite the little pig. :nod:

I crush up brine shrimp pellets and those are softer than the worms and he doesn't really eat those either. :dunno:
All of mine eat anything I stick in the tank, but frozen brine shrimp are their favourite.
I feed mine twice a day. 4 Hikari® Betta Bio-Gold pellets at breakfast and 4 freeze-dried bloodworms at dinner. Once a week they are treated to live brine shrimps.

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