Betta frys

Abbey atkinson 93

New Member
Aug 13, 2023
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hi ive got a few betta fry and there finaly old enough to eat brine shrimp but I couldn't get no bbs i couldn't only get adult brine shrimp. One pet shop didn't even no what a beta fish was like omg.

how would I feed them to the fry please any suggestions ???
They are the frozen cube kind (brine shrimp)
I was thinking maybe try and use a cheese grater on the cubes ???
hi ive got a few betta fry and there finaly old enough to eat brine shrimp but I couldn't get no bbs i couldn't only get adult brine shrimp. One pet shop didn't even no what a beta fish was like omg.

how would I feed them to the fry please any suggestions ???
They are the frozen cube kind (brine shrimp)
I was thinking maybe try and use a cheese grater on the cubes ???
Get some brine shrimp eggs. They are super easy to hatch. You just have to make some salt water with kosher/aquarium salt and add some eggs and in 24-36 hours they will hatch.

The babies most likely won't eat the frozen stuff. They need to have moving food
What have they been eating so far?
Boiled egg yolk but I've went all over town today to get food for them and I couldn't find anything alive the only shop with the best variety is pets at home and even then it wasn't that Good I only could get brine shrimp frozen but they are two weeks old now and I can't just keep giving them egg and I only get paid once amonth
Get some brine shrimp eggs. They are super easy to hatch. You just have to make some salt water with kosher/aquarium salt and add some eggs and in 24-36 hours they will hatch.

The babies most likely won't eat the frozen stuff. They need to have moving food
WHere can I get them from and they are Interested some of them but not all and the brine shrimp look big to be fair near the fry
My knowledge of betta and their fry is poor. There must be other options than live foods don't worry. Let's see what others say.
My knowledge of betta and their fry is poor. There must be other options than live foods don't worry. Let's see what others say.
They are on boiled egg yolk atm and they are enjoying but I feel like soon this isn't going to be enough for them and the egg its self is really fatty I'm just not sure how long they can eat this for and same as infusoria how long can they stay on that for
btw, I have frozen daphnia and it's tiny. Not the same as live food, but something this small with a small flow in the water, it moves, the fry might think it's live LOL
Dry brineshrimp eggs can be bought from Ebay, Amazon or anywhere online that sells aquarium stuff.

The baby Bettas can stay on boiled egg yolk and infusoria for a month or more. You can also grind up dry fish flakes so they are powder and offer a small amount of that to supplement the egg yolk.

You might be able to find a microworm starter culture too, which can be used to start a bigger worm culture that can be used as food for the babies.

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