Betta Fry


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hampton Bays, NY (Good Ground)
:) In checking over my fry, I've noticed that many - mainly the cambo's - seem to have a very stocky build. Other's a learner look. Is this just nature or something else? They are all well fed with rounded bellies. Same sizes.

I'm really wondering if it's a male/female thing.


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WOW! look at them all!!! they look so great! since i don't breed, i can't comment on the build they carry DT? i know DT's tend to be a little stockier... :dunno:
;) They were from the LFS so lord only knows what's in the background. I'm just waiting to see how many CT's there will be. Mommy is really starting to develop her's nicely now.

I started out with over 300 little ones. However, I think natural culling has taken its toll. I think there's about half that now. I've not seen very many bodies, but they just seem to be less than before. However, I was fooled last time I counted. I fully expect to lose a lot more of the smaller ones as I see the larger fish constantly chasing them. I'm better off letting that happen so that the best and strongest make it.
awwww,they're so purdy and healthy looking :wub: Good job.

The difference in the build is the beginning of being able to sex them,that's all. The stockier should be females, but I wouldn't take anything to the bank just yet...including the color :p You just have to wait :)
Awwww pretty babies :wub:

I never noticed till I took the last male out of the grow-out that the females were a lot stockier with sticky out bellies :p
:rolleyes: I have been thinking they might be females. I planned to move them shortly to their own tank and see what developed. The cambos are just beginning to get touches of color now on their fins and areas of the body. A lot will be red - they've been reddish since the start. There's one cambo with light blue fins. I sure hope that holds up because I've been looking for one like that.

Here's pix that I put up before....
h ttp://

Just close the ht part.

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