betta fry


Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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hi all
im abit worryed about my betta fry they are 9 weeks old and are about an inch big and some are much smaller they are in a 4ft tank and about 40 of them.
they are all colouring up nicely and some have fully coloured fins, they are bing fed MW BW BS and live baby brine shrimp for the smaller ones.
I have some slow growing fry, but they are 4 months old now and about 1" and some smaller still. This is my first spawn to raise so I don't think I changed water often enough and I think this hindered their growth rate. I know all spawns can grow at different rates, some really slow, and others rather quickly. So I wouldn't worry about them as long as you are caring for them.
You are doing fine! Don't worried. Slow is better because fast growth will died fast. LOL That is why people says USA born betta last up to 4 years and thailand only last for one year. That is what I heard. :)
I still don't get it what food thailand breeders feed the betta to make them growth that fast. I think must be beef liver? LOL :D
yeeviabetta said:
You are doing fine! Don't worried. Slow is better because fast growth will died fast. LOL That is why people says USA born betta last up to 4 years and thailand only last for one year. That is what I heard. :)
I still don't get it what food thailand breeders feed the betta to make them growth that fast. I think must be beef liver? LOL :D
Sorrell and I were just talking about that last nght. It really makes a lot of sense to me.

Anyway, I'm sure your fish are fine,clover. Up your water changes and feed twice a day and you should see a huge growth,but a huge growth means that you'll have to seperate them sooner.

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