Betta fry


Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
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my friend gave me 2 betta fry and their in a breeding net in my 20g. How fast do they grow up?
in their first month they grow very very fast if well cred for, and after that it slows down quite a bit, userally at 3 months they are adults. u can not keep thso bettas in a net thogh, they will not survive long there, if u just have a couple i suggest a 5g grow out tank.
ok, i guess their be ok there for a little while but u know u can rasie them there they are eventually going to hafta move to a big tank, and they arnt like guppys, they arnt gunna be big enough to live in a community untill their atleast 2 months old.
Ok...why did your friend have two betta fry :huh:

What are you feeding them?

I'm not trying to be negative but don't get your hopes up :/
my friend breeds bettas and had i bunch and i asked if i wanted one, i probaly could of got 10 but i said just 2. i think their a week old today. i crush up flakes and they eat it
Wow, it's amazing they survived the transport from tank to tank :huh: Ya sure they're just a week?
Betta fry aren't your typical fish fry like guppies or mollys. Personally I think it was pretty silly of your friend to do this as the chances of the fry surviving now are pretty low, but here is what I suggest. They need their own tank (not a net in a community tank), the tank needs to be about 80F (warmer is better than cooler). They need live baby brine shrimp for food (frozen if live isn't an option). They need daily water changes, water needs to be conditioned, aged and same temp as old water. They need fed 4-6 times a day, since there are only 2, the portions needs to be very small so the water quality doesn't drop. That's what comes to my mind now....keep in mind, it is very likely the fry will get sick with velvet or ick, so keep an eye out for that so you can treat it right away, and be prepared for them to not survive. Maybe your friend can give you a couple of juviniles when they get older (about a month or 2 old), they would have a better chance of survival then. Good luck.


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