New Member
i have a quick question i hope some of you will be able to help me with.
before anyone decides to start breeding bettas, they should know that it is a lot of work.
i have yet to get my pair to be well conditioned.
in the beginning process of doing so, i have a few questions about the potential fry....
1) assuming there was a large amount of eggs expelled during breeding, those eggs that do hatch, should they be trying to swim or falling to the bottom of the tank.
2) i read in a few sites that they will hang on the walls of the tank, just below the surface of the water and still in the bubblenest, some even on the tank floor--till they utilize up their egg sac (or then some). how will i know if the potential fry at the bottom of tank are not dead but just laying there consuming the sac?
your help will be appreciated. THANKS!