betta fry


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi everyone, i have a quick question that's worrying me a bit :/

my betta fry have hatched for 24 hours, and i've had to remove dad becuase he wasn't tneding to the nest at all, he was curising aroiund the tank more, and fearing that he'll eat up all the fry i took him out and lowered the water level.

Due to this, most of the fry have fallen outo f the nest (there is hardly one to start), and is lying at the bottom of the tank.

I read that it IS okay for betta fry to be at the bottom of the tank, is this correct? do they NEED to be at the surface to survive? :/ in other words, will they LIVE without daddy there picking them up?
I think they will. Remember how you would blow the last batch with the turkey baster (or whatever)? Just fill it with water and gently squeeze it in their direction to give them a push to keep them trying to swim.

You may lose a few but that's better than having them all eaten. Keep your chin up! :thumbs:
yeah i ocassionally twirl the water around with a rigid airline tubing to mimic daddy's fins, and most of the fry will jerk and start swimming upwards..e.xcpet most won't make it to the top (water level at around 3 inches), even if they do make it to the top they dotn' stick to it becuase there is no bubblenest, so they end up falling back down :blink:

i undersatnd that they're weighed down by their egg sacs..sso i'm hoping when they turn free siwmming it'll be better. Must be hard trying to swim with all that attached to you :X
I never thought of useing a turkey baster for a fry mover and relocater and pusher.....Wow.....thats a awsome idea!!!!!!!! Thanks ^^:cool:
Don't worry. I know it's hard not too though :/ But just'd be worried just the same if he were still in the tank're doing whatcha gotta do :nod: You'll just have to sweat for the next 24 hours or so :|
By the way i hope your Little fry's will go to the bubble nest and grow ^^

Also I was wondering how to tell a Betta's sex by looking at the..not by asking your LPS. -_-
:lol: ur right wuv! thanks for hleping me out (once again :*) )

i think they will be fine, i'll just keep using something to twirl the water around and spray them lightly with it :blink: leaving dad in probably would have drived me nuts more, i hate seeing disappearing fry! :crazy:

danno: you'll be surprised how many uses the turky baster has!

i'll tell you guys how it goes :thumbs: i dont' have a lot of fry atm (less than 50, amybe around 30 IF i'm lucky), so it's going to be tough rasiing them :/
Danno said:
Also I was wondering how to tell a Betta's sex by looking at the..not by asking your LPS. -_-
Pretty hard to tell until they're around 6-8 weeks. Then males begin showing finnage and aggression while the females show ovipostors (white egg bump.. thingy)

Best wishes,cc!!
how to tell the difference between a male and a female in betta? well males usually have the long flowy fins that you see everywhere, while the feamles have shorter fins.

Here is one of my feamle bettas:


feamles will also have an oviposter, it's right under their stomach, next to where the poop comes out. You see it as a little tiny white tube/dot things, that's where the eggs are released during spawning. :nod: as well, feamles tend to have a more triangular look to their stomach, and a more emphasis on it as well :) HTH
awww shoot you porbably meant how to tell the diff between them during FRY that case, refer to wuv's answer! :D

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