betta fry


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi guys, from my first spawn i have about 25 fry left, and they are 24 days old now! I just wanted to confirm with you guys that what i'm feeding them in okay :/ i'm terrified about stunting thier growth and never having them grow to adult betats :crazy:

anyways, they are fed about twice a day, with microworms, first bites, and frozen bbs (not all at the same time, i just alternate between each meal). I realize that live bbs is missing from the picture. i just set up my hatchery today (new and improved) so i should get some by the day after tmr (hopefully). Could i kepe them on this diet nad feed live bbs about twice a week?

also, they are about...0.2 to 0.25 inches long (i have some runts, but on average they are betwen that), are they growing properly :sad:
i dunno but even if one was a little on the small side who would really care? :dunno: im sure i wouldnt LOL then again id just call it shorty lol :rofl:
betta_lova said:
my 13 day old krib fry are already bigger than that!! wow!
lol what colour are they now
thanks for the encouragement betta

as for the fry, i've checked out growht charts from the net, they seem to be following it very well, but others have told me that it's not very accurate, so i don't know -_-

i don't have ap roblem with them growing a bit more slowly than others, but i dont' want their growth stunted either :blink:
I think that is a very legitimate concern ;) What groth chart are you looking at? From what I've heard they are fairly accurate and as long as your fry are close to it on either side then you are doing ok :p ;)
i got it from :D my betta is following the size relatively well, but it says by 3rd week i should see some sort of dorsal fin, but i don't yet :/ obvoiusly i dont' expect the doral fins to just sprout out on the 21st day exactly..but still :/

so, is the fry chart in accurate? :crazy:

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