Betta Fry!


New Member
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi guys,

so earlier i posted a topic-BETTA PAIRS! and turns out they did end up mating, yesterday :D i was unfortunately in school and couldnt document it LOL(love to take pictures)... but i did take some pics of the aftermath if you will.. my betta male is gathering eggs that fall and all is well, but im not 100% sure as to what i should do now. how long should i wait until i introduce food into the tank, what should i feed the fry ... anything specific i should know...

heres some of the pics, let me know which ones you like the most, you can see some of the eggs falling and NIMBUS going after them lol
Great pictures and Congrats on the spawn. The fry will need some form of Live food so get your cultures going if you haven't already.

Baby Brine Shrimp (BBS) and Microworm seem to be favouites among breeders
that was fast work! Congrats on your successful spawning! Looking forward to seeing this thread down the line. Going to be some gorgeous fry! :D
thanks guys, it took some definate trial and error there but i think i finally found my method of spawning :) I was actually gonna fully clean the tank and start again after they got a week of rest but didnt get around to it because of an exam. turns out they just needed an extra day LOL.

i already have some baby brine shrimp egss getting ready to hatch, but ive read they might be too big for the betta fry- is that true
I also tried culturing infusora with a potatoe, but they didnt spawn soon enough and when i went to check it had mold on it so i threw it out

also trying desperately to find microworm culture gonna go looking today...

but when should i start feeding them? also should i be feeding the male betta(hes been working non stop)

they mated the 15th, i saw some tails but still egg sac yesterday morning, by yesterday afternoon I saw them falling and had developed eyes
today i checked and and their swiming when they fall. so when exactly do i feed them 2-3 days after hatching OR 2-3 days after they swim horizontally.

thanks guys
-also was able to get a pic of the fry :p so cool!!! 2.jpg
You should begin feeding when they are free swimming, generally 3-5days after hatching. If you don't have your cultures going you should be able to get by feeding pulverized flake. Live food is best for growth but you can be successful with flake. Has to be absolutely pulverized like dust. Do not overfeeding and you should feed several times a day in small lots. Dad should be removed once they are swimming on their own. Also best to do small partial waterchanges daily when they are fry as it will speed growth and help limit fry deaths.
Good luck
i Choose BBS and LIVE daphnia in the first 3 weeks of their lives then switch to tubifex after 3 weeks

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