Betta Fry With Ich


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok I think its ich that my fry have as they look like they are coated in salt! They are between 8-10 days old? I seem to be loosing at least 5 a day at the moment (well it seems like it anyway). I have about 40 fry left!

Does anyone know how i should go about treating this? I'm not sure whether to add salt or a very small amount of whitespot treatment!
Thanks I'll try the methylene blue too!

I'm a bit happier this morning as none have died off over night! I just hope I can get them past 2 wks this time or even better get them through to adulthood! Then again if not I could always just try again!
Thanks for the compliment but I owe alot of it down to everyone on TFF if it wasnt for you lot I would be up the creek without a paddle!

Unfortunately I lost another one over night and I expect to go home and find more dead as my brine shrimp hatchery failed but hopefully I'm just being overworried only just under 2 hours to go til I can put my mind to rest!
Methylene blue works for velvet too :)

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