Betta Fry And Cory Fry Together?


Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2007
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ok I have some betta fry that are 1 week and 1 day old. yesterday I noticed my corys in my comunity tank dancing around laying eggs everywhere, while all the other community fish ate them. I wantd to show my husband the cory eggs before they all got eaten so I grabed a plant out of there with eggs and put it in the betta fry tank. it looks like the cory fry are matureing ok.

my big question, the cory fry wont be big enough or try to eat my betta fry will they? that would really upset me because I would like this spawn to turn out well. if the two types of fry could co habit in the same tank that would be great, however I just worry about the safety of my betta fry.
corydora wriglers are only about 2-3mm when they hatch, and will stay on the bottom i think it would be the other way round id be more conserned about ure betta fry eating the corydoras newfishy
Hi newfishy :)

Cory fry are friendly toward other tiny tankmates, but the requirements for successfully raising them are quite different than for raising betta fry. Corys need lots of food, daily water changes and well oxygenated water. This means either a filter or an airstone that moves the surface of the water, right from the beginning. If you are raising your fry in a bare bottomed tank, it must be kept very clean to keep the corys free from bacterial infections.

Please let us know how things turn out for you. Since you obviously have mature corys, don't be surprised if you see more eggs in the near future. If you would like to raise some, just post here and we will help you get on the right track with them. :D

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