Betta Friends


New Member
Jul 1, 2003
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:lol: Sorry about this again,
What kind of fish can be in the same aquarium as Bettas?
Can you put Angel fish and Bettas in the same aquarium?
( I'm new at this stuff!) :*)
no, I've heard they're not good together, the betta will nip the angels fins
I'll agree with wuv here. angels and bettas will tear each other beautiful long fins apart. My bettas get along very well with cory's
Bettas, can go well with almost any bottom dwelling species. Corycats, plecos, these both go well with bettas. :)

I have also heard of alot of people keeping them with larger tetras.

Jen :D
My betta is in with zebra danios, Black skirt tetra's, neons, mollies, platy's, pleco & pristella tetra's.. And he is KING lol or at least he think's so
My betta thinks he's king too. Does your betta get along with the black skirt tetra. My betta hates mine. My betta like the platy and gourami though.

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