Betta for xmas?


Fish Crazy
Oct 7, 2003
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my eldest son wants a Beta for christmas, and i think we will get him one. he is almost nine and its time for his own pet. can i get soome advice in what i should be looking for in a good beta? the one beta i bought died within two weeks, and i dont want that to happen again. at this point, we dont have anything, so im wondering about things like bowls vs. tanks and how to look out for sick fish at the store. :p :) :nod:
Well, here's something I've learned about bettas...just because they look sick at the store, doesn't mean they won't pull through for you. ;) But, to be on the safe side look for one that isn't floating/swimming sideways. See if they'll follow you're finger on the outside of the cup/tank.

Personally, I like the Small/Medium Kritter Keepers for bettas. Nice amount of room, and there's a lid.

Some people like doing this, but I add a pinch of non-idionized salt to my bettas water to make sure they don't get fungus (I lost three bettas to that before I knew about adding salt).
There are also betta hexes ($4) and dual betta hexes ($6) that have lids and small holes for food. These holes help moderate the amount of food you place into the tank, and if you buy the dual, you can remove the divider to increase the space. :D
The betta should be pleasing to the eye. The finnage should be even. It should be active and curious. Bypass the lethargic ones - when you pick up the cup the should become aware of you. I suggest getting a Marina Betta Kit when you purchase the betta. These kits come in red, purple, and lime green. You can get one to contrast the color of your betta. There is a light you can purchase separately for the kit. The kit comes with gravel and a plastic plant. Wash the plant, stick it to the floor of the tank, rinse the gravel thoroughly, place it in the tank, add water and conditioner and let sit for about 1 hour. The kit also comes with food pellets, but your betta might reject them. Then add the betta.

You may also need Stress Coat or Splendid Betta Complete Water Conditioner when the BettaPlus water conditioner that comes with the kit runs out after doing the weekly water changes. (The BettaPlus water conditioner seems to last for about a month's worth - it suggests a 25% water change once a week)

Maybe a small container of freeze-dried bloodworms and a face shield for when it spits out the food pellets at you. :)

Good luck!

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