Betta For The Future: How Tacky...


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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Soo... this is infinately tacky, and I actually feel quite the heel.

But, I like having two bettas. I like how they keep each other company and flare at each other and move. I like how their movement keeps me company.

So, I 'need' to get a second one. Since I won't be putting another betta into that tank -- honestly, that 10gal wasn't going to be my deceased betta's permanent home, which is part of what makes his loss so ... yeah -- I'll be keeping him in either the bowls (some 1g, some 2g) or the 5gal all-glass.

I had promised myself last year, that if I had call to get myself another betta, that I'd purchase from a breeder. Someone healthy and young. Someone I wouldn't have to nurse back to health straight from the store.

But, I don't know. After seeing some of the stock here in town, I am half a mind to 'save' one of them. I realize the intellectual ramifications of such an action -- sick fish, stressed self, feeding the machine that doesn't care for the fish in the first place, paying too much for a fish that's ill -- but I almost want to do it anyways. Almost. They *are* expensive here, I could get my Dwarf Puffers for less cost than I could get your standard VT betta.

Don't know, this is mostly a conversational thread, since I don't know anyone at all who understands my 'weird fish thing'.

Should I get him from a breeder, or should I rescue a local?

Another point is, I can't afford a fish from a breeder at this time. It'll be at least until next month, if not Janurary outright until I can afford to pay for a fish from a breeder. Maybe he's worth the wait.

:/ D*de, I feel a right fine a** at the moment. I'm actually grieving a little fish, and contemplating buying another one at the same time. What an odd state of being.

edit: I apologize for the sudden spamage on the forum. I'm just... adjusting to the absence of my betta, Furin. That, in combination with the sake I've had, is making me chatty.
Hi soritan, sorry about your betta .Personly I think if you do rescue one from a lfs it will make you feel better in yourself.Taking care of it will take your mind off your loss,and you should get satisfaction knowing you have saved a little life.
I agree in many respects, but at this point, I am wondering if I want the 'stress'.

I think, I'll do as I've done in the past, and just nag the *ell out of the LPS, and visit their bettas daily, and if one strikes my fancy... I'll just snag it. If one doesn't... I'll buy one online that's expensive as all get out and relish in the idea that he's young, healthy, and long lived (provided I don't make any more stupid mistakes).

Even the local fish, I can't afford until next month, anyways.
So both options require a 'wait'.

Or... I suppose, more accurately... I'm taking what tiny funds I have, and applying it towards something... that is not another betta. :(

I'm actively selling junk online, so money might unexpectedly crop up.

I might unexpectedly chuck a bunch of ugly VT pictures onto the forum and exclaim proudly, "look what I got!"

... or it might be coal.

One or the other.

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