Betta For Sister


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Well, I'm coming on with the 'get everyone else addicted to bettas' goal :shifty: My dad is already calling them bettas (as opposed to siamase, fighters etc.) and points out ones in shops (and also says when he can't see any) and my sister enjoys coming in to my room to look at the fish. I normally let her feed them, and try to slowly brainwash her... Well, I think its working. She told me she really likes Tiana, who I'd be happy to let her have in her bedroom. She hasn't sked and I haven't asked her, but hey, we all like suprises, don't we :shifty: This kills two birds with one betta- first, she gets into bettas, secondly I have a bit more space (her tank was perched on top of a 3g, not overly safe -_-).My plan was to let her pick the decoration and feed her, but I was going to do water changes. Sound OK, or should I give her one of my pico planted tanks with shrimp (when I get some) instead?
Sound like fun.
I can't get anyone intrested in my fish at home except my mom, who already is.
My dad enjoys watching the fish and feeding, but he hates the other aspect of it, especially the money.. :rolleyes:
Anyways, I think you should let he get her own betta, and show her how to do it ONCE, then let her take off on her own.
Yeah that would be nice but I wouldn't let her have any of your fish (especially if you have fancy bettas like crowntails or anything other than a VT) So you should just get a pet store VT since its her first then once she gets the hang of it maybe you can let her have one of yours.
If you're willing to part with her, I'd go for it. I wouldn't go out and get her a VT, because I bet she'll be more inclined to take care of it if she really loves it and thinks it is a beautiful fish. That way, if it doesn't work out, you can always take your fish back and will not be stuck with one more betta.
I second the motion for a trial run with Tiana :p If I were trying to get my sister into showing dogs, I'd start her out using one of mine before I bought her a brand new puppy ;)
Well I don't know mine worked the other way around... :shifty: . I actually took my sisters betta from her from a deal. I think it was to have one of my belongings. Well I forgot the deal...Anyways my sister just turned 11 three days ago and still see's fish as a waste of time. Which I happen to be against 200%... Pretty odd that my dad would buy my sister a betta before I even got one :sad: even though I have lots of animals and my sister doesnt have none except a cat, none the less im still feeding the cat, the rabbit, the birds, and my fish. Which I have been attached 2 since the day I got them. My dad still thinks that its a waste of time. My mom doesnt bother. She just glances at them and walks away. So far my room has been a fish fortress. Maybe I should open the window...The smell is becoming deadly. That fish food is killing my nose. :crazy: :sick: . Well if my fish like it I guess that means I have to like it. hehe. Maybe if your sister goes through training from you it'll propably help her a lot. I never knew anything about fish until I came on the forum. Now im hooked. Though I try getting fish that will catch my dads eye like my guppies that have a tendency to eat any flakes they see. :huh: ... I still love em though. The male one I have is all orange but hes a little fella way smaller than the females I wonder how he breeds. Eh...That reminds me, I think 2 of my guppie females are pregnant. Muhahaha. I guess I wont keep all of them. I'll just give some to the LFS or something. hehe.

-Arrowhead... :) ;)

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