Betta food

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Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I seem to have a fussy Betta. I would like to give him a varied diet, but he won't eat anything other than pellets. I've had him for about a month now. Is it possible that he's still adjusting?


Alfred my first male is very fussy.

i have tried him on 3 different flake food, he prefers tetra
frozen food i have tried - blood worm - daphnia - red mosquitoe larvea - brine shrimp -beef heart = he only ate the beef heart

my second has not got a name yet only got him yesterday,
he has only eaten the frozen beef heart and frozen brine shrimp so far
Have you tried live food like Baby Brine Shrimp or blood worms? Also, have you tried frozen? I have a betta that is a very picky eater, but in a weird way. He only eats flakes, for the most part. He rejects pellet and freeze dried foods. However, he'll slurp up live food, and he'll eat defrosted frozen food, sometimes.

You also might want to try peas. Some like them, and they're good for them on occasion. After a full month, I doubt he's still adjusting, unless he's especially skittish. He may just be a picky eater. I haven't found a betta, yet, that would reject live food, though. If he rejects everything else, though, I wouldn't worry about it. As long as he eats *something*. :)
My Starbrite wont eat for almost 2 weeks, then I gave him live food and he ate that but wont touch anything else. I kept offering pellets to him since he couldnt eat live foods everyday. I offered him everything I've got (and I have an entire drawer full of different foods) but nothing. Eventually he started to eat his pellets though. Your betta probably is fussy. Pellets are good for a staple diet but keep offering him other foods, he'll take them one day. Try offering him live or frozen foods.
I've tried peas, blood worms and frozen with no luck. Maybe I'll try some live foods. Thanks for the advise everyone.

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