betta food


New Member
Feb 11, 2004
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st. augustine, florida
my betta doesn't seem to like the food i'm feeding him. it's BettaMin tropical medley. (my cat likes it though... she's knocked it off of the counter twice and figured out how to open it once... heh)

i'm not sure if i've ever seen him eat it! i know there are other betta foods but i was wondering if there was a specific thing you all would reccomend?

anything by Hikari! Preferably the Hikari Betta Bio-gold, anything they make that is frozen is good too
Very few Bettas will actually eat flakes, you're better off getting the Hikari Betta Bio Gold as Wuv states above. Still some of mine won't eat those (although some do) because they usually get frozen or live food, so the pellets just dont' thrill them, but if you're not feeding frozen or live at all then they should take to the bites.

They love brine shrimp and blood worms. (Mine are frozen).

And the comment about hikari foods is quite accurate. :nod:
Hikari Bio-Gold definitely. i had the same problem, my bettas wouldn't eat anything except bloodworms and i really wanted to get them on something else, it took a couple weeks but they're on Hikari now and doing well
thats brutal... my fish will eat anything i throw at them...

everyone gave u good advice tho i have nothing to add

so why am i posting? WHO KNOWS :S :X
there's some progress... went out and bought the hikari bio gold... put a few in his tank and he actually acknowledged the food, ate one, and then a few seconds later spit it back out... i've heard that bettas take a while to get used to their food, and i'm happy he at least acknowledged it q:

he kept doing that.. eating one, swishing it around it looked like in his mouth and then spitting it out... hehe, it was cute
My friend's betta did the smae thing. unfortunately it kept doing it and died and I inherited its home (which I gave to its owner as a birthday gift).

Just keep at it and if you feel it just won't eat, then feed it blood worms and then try again.
Especially with the Bio-Gold pellets because they take a little while to expand & become more easily digested. Chances are he will resist the new food type for a few days - but he'll eventually give up, eat it and figure out it tastes great.

SanFransico Bay Brand is my favourite for frozen foods.

i can sometimes feed mine brine shrimp flake and mostly hikari bio-gold
My feed my betta's with life and frozen foods. They will eat flake food, but then they always look at me with that look..."is this all where getting today?"
They're really spoiled fish... :lol:

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