Betta Food


New Member
Sep 19, 2009
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i currently have my bettas on frozen blood worms but im not sure if blood worms alone are im wondering what other food is really good for bettas......what about baby brine shrimp or is blood worms good enough??? or the store bought pellets???? i just figured something more natural like bloodworms and BBS would be more nutritious as apposed to the pellets etc....any thoughts????
Hello there, it is not very healthy to feed a betta alone on bloodworm it can cause all sorts of issues onsuch a high protein rich diet. There are special made pellets made by the likes of Hikari specifically for bettas and I would really recommend getting a pack (with one betta this would last agggess). Personally I feed all my boys, bloodworm once to twice a week, peas on Sunday, starve day Monday and rest of the time Hikari pellets. Some will have different feeding regimes. Some will also say no to pea day, but I have always found it works well on them and helps their digestion.
No single food is enough Bm0589. Instead provide a daily change. Blood worms today, flake food the next day, frozen daphnia the next, freeze dried tubifex the next and so on. Any fish will do better with the variety and all you need to know about your betta is that it probably eats mostly insects or larvae in a wild state so a food regimen that emphasizes that kind of food will be a good choice. There is no magic betta food that can be considered all that you need. Mine get a heavier vegetable content than is probably good for them because they share quarters with livebearers who need it. Even given the high vegetable content diet, they are flourishing and living long healthy lives.
thank you both for your replies......ill be heading to the lfs to get some yummy food for them and will probably get a couple different varieties to keep them on their thanks!!!
I just went on line this morning and ordered 3 kind of flake for my fish room. The frozen I buy locally but the flake is far too expensive at the LFS. The 1/2 pound amount that would cost over $12 at the LFS is only $4.25 on line. By ordering 3 kinds of food at once, the shipping is not too bad on it either. The total for all 3 including shipping costs was only $20 and the quality from some of these on line sources is far superior to anything they have at the LFS. Forget the dried out nasty flake that you get in a can at the store, these are freshly made and shipped in plastic bags. I place them into sealed canning jars when they arrive and freeze the part that I won't use fairly quickly. It is all fresh ingredients and dried at low temperatures to preserve most of the vitamins in the food with as much protein as you want in your food. Growth formulas are over 65% protein while most adult foods are in the 35% to 45% protein range. The heavily veggie formula is only at 35% protein but is the perfect type of diet for my adult livebearers. The 45% protein formulations, by far the most common type, would be better for things like bettas and tetras.

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