Betta Food!


New Member
Dec 2, 2006
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well yesterday i got fish food and saw the thing! a 7 day fish food suplement! it is calld pro balance & day betta blocks! they are suposed to feed your betta for 7 days! i would like to know if is good for me o use!

i would really like to know!

the ingredients below: alcium culafate, freeze-dried tublifex worm, freeze-dried bloodworm.freeze-dried daphina , freeze-dried white shrimp, V B-1, V B-6

can i use it with him?
I'm pretty sure all feeder blocks have plaster in them. Makes water quality bad and isn't good for the health of the fish. There are some better 7-day feeders that are gel formulated and even timed feeder, but you obviously don't care about your fish if you can't take 5 minutes out of your day to feed them :/
Yep you get "Mankey Water" with them >.< it's a plaster that disolvs into water allowing food to be given out
also betta don't get fed everyday
In my opinion, it's a lot more fun to watch them eat when you personally feed them. I would think that one of those feeder blocks would be all right if you were leaving for a week. But then I don't know if those blocks float in the water, and if they do, I wouldn't doubt the betta would eat himself to death.
Yep you get "Mankey Water" with them >.< it's a plaster that disolvs into water allowing food to be given out
also betta don't get fed everyday

What!? Please tell me your joking, betta should be fed atleast once a day, but better yet twice.

Nope. It's best to fast them for a day every week, helps get the digestion through... about three pellets twice a day is sufficient, or all at once... but yes, it's best and healthy to fast them at least a day out of the week.
:drool: I never feed any of my fish every day..I also dont feed at same time of the day either. I love to give them live but none about so they will be having bloodworms in vitamin jelly later on tonight...then prob. feed again Tuesday moring.... :good:
I have to agree with everyone.
Holiday blocks are awful, they only seem to polute the water. I certainly wouldn't feed them to a solitary fighter. Frozen foods are perfect for them and a good quality dry food.
I brought the gel based feeder block for my Bettas and community fish when we went on holiday for a week. The fish hadn't touched them! The blocks were still at the bottom of the tank gathering god knows what. They were recommended to me instead of the plaster type ones but I wouldn't use them again!
hmm, I am going to try the gel ones as I too am going on a one week holiday. Hopefully they will last and ill have no deaths.
I think your chances of coming home to healthy fish would be better if you just didn't feed them at all while you were away. But that's just my opinion. I can assure you that I have left my fish numerous times for days on end and never had one starve to death. They actually look fantastic upon my return, fry even!
I went away in the summer for a week. I cleaned all my betta tanks in the 2 days prior to going away. I fed them b.worms in vitamin jelly the day before making sure they cleared it all. On the day we went away they had 2 or 3 pellets again making sure they ate it all. That was it when I came back a week later they didnt even fuss for food, just looked at me with complete disgust. :lol: :lol:
Yep fish are completely fine being left for a week without food. They get a lot more nutritious food regularly in our tanks than they would ever get in the wild! I never recommend feeding twice a day though it depends how much you are feeding the fish. Obviously fry need lots of food though but thats another issue.

One time before I went on holiday I acidentally dropped a whole pot of flake food in the tank... Which meant I had to do MAJOR water changes.

The only exception is things like puffers, cos when they get hungry they seem to get angry and start nipping other things.

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