Betta Food


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
I've always fed my bettas Hikari pellets, and they all love them... but, I only ever see them in those little cardboardy packet thingies, and I go through them in like a week or so. It's getting expensive, and I was wondering if there were any betta pellets that were less espensive (like that come in those cylinder containers), but just as good? Or is Hikari just plain the best? :)
I've always fed my bettas Hikari pellets, and they all love them... but, I only ever see them in those little cardboardy packet thingies, and I go through them in like a week or so. It's getting expensive, and I was wondering if there were any betta pellets that were less espensive (like that come in those cylinder containers), but just as good? Or is Hikari just plain the best? :)

I used to have a betta but it died i am going to get a new betta in a 2.5 gallon tank.if you want to see it reply me back sometime well that is all.

From:The betta house
^ A little O/T, no?

Anyways, re: the origional poster, have you been able to buy Hikari in the bag form? It lasts a pretty long time, even for someone like me who feeds thier bettas quite a lot. It is a sort of foil sack with a little "door" at the bottom to extract pellets from. I bought mine months ago and it still hasn't run out.
Another idea - you could buy a cheaper food like BettaBites (I fed this to my bettas for years with no troubles) or BioBlend for Bettas, and simply feed half or 3/4 of the meals as cheap pellets, and the other meals as Hikari. Variety is good anyways; all pellets have thier strong and weak points, so by mixing it up a bit, you can provide high quality nutrition at a lower cost.
I bought Wardley's Betta Premium Food for my betta; it's in pellets and came in a 1.2 ounces (32 grams) canister. I haven't made a dent into it and I've had it for a month now. I got that instead of Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets which I noticed was only a 2 gram packet.
Its me The Betta House if you want to contact me i am on the homepage maybe.

From:The Betta House
Thanks for the replies. :D I didn't know Hikari pellets came in bags... I'll have to look around for them. For some reason I doubt my bettas will eat a cheaper pellet... little picky things they are. ;)
Can you just email me at

And how do you make your picture of those fish change?????????????????????????????????????????????????? :dunno::pepsi:
I would stick to hikari and try to find the bag. . and get some live/frozen foods for variety! (you already knew that B) )

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