
New Member
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Washington State, US
Hi, I'm new to fish keeping, I have one Betta fish, I've had him since July. I keep him in a heated, filtered, planted, 10 gallon tank. He's a Dumbo Halfmoon, so he has pretty big fins, and up until now they've been healthy and growing really well. Tonight I noticed a fairly large tear on his left ear fin. The tear is clean, not ragged, but his fin which had previously been a pinkish-white, now has a few orangish spots on it. The rest of his fins look fine. I'm not sure what exactly his fin tore on, but I'm suspecting it's a new rock hide that I put in just a few days ago. He's still eating fine, and his activity level seems to be the same as usual. I don't know how to treat this at all, any help would be appreciated.
Do daily water changes of 50% for next 2 weeks. Keep tank super clean. Add aquarium salt at 1 tablespoon per every 5 gallons of water on initial dose. Be sure salt is dissolved first in dechlorinated water or it will burn the fish. After initial dose, add 1/2 tablespoon daily with each 50% water change. He should be fine and the tear will heal.
Do daily water changes of 50% for next 2 weeks. Keep tank super clean. Add aquarium salt at 1 tablespoon per every 5 gallons of water on initial dose. Be sure salt is dissolved first in dechlorinated water or it will burn the fish. After initial dose, add 1/2 tablespoon daily with each 50% water change. He should be fine and the tear will heal.
Thank you, I'll try that!

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