Betta Fish Issue.


New Member
May 11, 2008
Reaction score
Toledo, OH
Its fins are still ragged -- and i fear that it is getting worse. the anal fin is now split down the middle. I removed the plastic plant that came with the kit.

I dont think he has fin rot -- it doesnt have the white edges. But it could be fin rot -- who knows... But i'm so worried. I think it might have scraped its fin on the plant. and i'm worried about the one of the anal specifically. it's pretty bad.. ._.;

It's in a 1.5 gallon.
Umm... is their specific advice your looking for? If it's ripped fins that aren't fungused, use some melafix and aquarium salt.
Umm... is their specific advice your looking for? If it's ripped fins that aren't fungused, use some melafix and aquarium salt.

is the tank heated or filtered? fin damage is not the end of the world. bettas recover fairly well. just make sure any factors that can result in fin tearing are removed. melafix can be a bit strong imo for treating fin tears.... so be careful to dose the right amount. bettafix would be a very good substitute, you just have to use more.

Don't completely ignore the chance that there is fin rot though. keep a sharp eye out for anything odd. fin rot can be pretty sneaky. :look:
Keep the water crystal clean with regular water changes. Melafix/Bettafix will assist the healing whilst reducing the chances of fin rot setting in. It can take weeks before you notice any significant results so be patient :good:
i use myxazin on my bettas what have had ripped fins

works very well and kills off bacteria which is in the water

hav had no problems with it



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