Betta Fish Fins Look Tattered/ Ripped


Mostly New Member
Jul 16, 2013
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Hello All!
I've been having problems with my Betta, he's a dark/navy blue Veiltail Betta, about 3 days ago I moved him from a 1.5 gallon (5.6L) tank to a 3 (11.3L) gallon tank, and before anyone says anything about it being too small for the betta, I can't get a bigger tank for him because of space problems, he seems happy that I upgraded him from a 1.5 gallon to a 3 gallon. Anyways, I  also check my water parameters daily, and the slightest increases in ammonia or nitrite I do a 25%-50% water change . The temperature is also kept at 78 degrees Fareinheit (26.6 Celsius). So my question is my betta for the last three days, has been getting chunks missing from his fins, especially the tail (caudal) fin. It either looks split in two or just wedge shaped chunks missing, like it tore/ was ripped. The first day he was in there he had plastic plants so i thought maybe he got caught on them and so i removed all of them, including the little castle I had for him. Day two, another part of the tail fin, the lower part was again missing, wedge shaped. Because of his color I really can't tell if he's getting black (fin rot) or anything else, so incase it was some kind of fin rot, I started doing 5 minute salt baths using a half gallon (1.8L) and half a teaspoon of aquarium salt. Also, in case it might have been anything else I did a 100% water change. His behavior seems normal, he eats he does everything normal, he flares still. I just don't get what is causing his tail to get ripped, I read up on other people having similar problems and I was thinking, maybe he's tail biting? Anyone have any ideas?
Here is the picture of his tail fin. The best picture I can take, he moves around too much.
It definitely does looks like there is a hunk missing.
What is his filter like? 
Is there anything that he could have ripped it on?
Is there anything that could have stressed him out causing him to bite his tail?
Lots of water changes and buying some IAL should help tail to heal up nicely.
I would recommend doing a 50% water change a day with dechlorinated and temperature matched water. Also buy some IAL and replace the leaf everytime the water isn't looking very tinted (the IAL should turn the water the colour of weak tea)
^ What she said, and it might help if you could increase his temp a bit? 80-82 is good for them :)
The filter I have now is the Aquatop internal air pump driven corner filter, this is the picture

I replaced the sponge inside with biomax, and left the black sponge, I also have the nozzle of the pump raised above the water.
Also, I was thinking about putting plugging in the heater, he does have one, but it gets too hot, here in my room. The coolest it ever gets is 78 degrees and that if i keep the air conditioner on. The water temperature is usually at 78-80. 80 now since the A/C is off.
Also, I have purchased a package of IAL from Ebay, I'll wait on it to be delivered. But, I'll be doing 50% water changes, and I was thinking I should add stress coat, maybe it'll help speed it up. Also, a new development, it looks like there is a gray spot on top of his head, a bit to the side, doesn't look white so I'm ruling out Ich, but it looks like it just happened couple of hours ago, noticed when I was taking a picture, it looks gray, and looks like a piece of his scale went missing, maybe he's stressed and rubbed his head on something? I'm thinking maybe he hit the nozzle of the filter?
I just wanted to make sure he was warm, sorry for some reason I read the 78 as 76 :blink:
Not sure what the spot could be :(
Thanks for all your replies! He is very warm, I tried making him happy, put him a live plant, he has two, maybe he's getting bored? I might get a ping pong ball, maybe he's bored and that'll keep him entertained. When I got him he looked so sad in his little cup at the pet store. He looked so happy in a bigger tank but now all sorts of things are happening to him!
This is a new to you betta fish right? Like you only got him three days ago?
It may be possible that this is just from the store and he will start turning around shortly :)
His tail looks like he has been biting it.  The edges look nice and clean so you should be ok as long as you keep the water warm and clean.  I would advise stopping the salt baths as they really are unnecessary.  A 3 gallon is a nice size for a betta although it is on the smaller size.  Is your heater adjustable?  I highly recommend getting one that is (if yours isn't) especially since your room stays so warm.  That way you can leave the heater on and in the tank but not worry about the tank being too warm.  Bettas like temps up to 86F so I wouldn't worry too much about him getting too warm though.  LOL  The temperature being stable and not fluctuating is the important thing to remember and that water temperature is always a couple of degrees cooler than room temperature.  The filter looks good for a betta as well.  With anything you add in the tank, it is a good idea to test it by rubbing pantyhose on it to see if it tears or catches.  If it does, it will tear betta fins which are very thin and easily torn. 

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