Betta fish behavior


New Member
Apr 2, 2023
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
Hello! My Betta fish has been acting a little strange and I want to make sure he’s okay. His mouth looks kind of scaly and crusty and it seems like he’s losing his color a little. He will sometimes float on his side a bit but then be swimming around the tank the next.
I just moved within the past few weeks, could he be stressed from that?
Hello! My Betta fish has been acting a little strange and I want to make sure he’s okay. His mouth looks kind of scaly and crusty and it seems like he’s losing his color a little. He will sometimes float on his side a bit but then be swimming around the tank the next.
I just moved within the past few weeks, could he be stressed from that?
Stress could be an issue...

What are the water parameters? Since you just recently moved the water may be totally different as to hardness. Also, when you moved the tank, did you keep the substrate and filter media wet and, even if kept wet, how long was the tank down?

It is possible that the fish is in tank that is not cycled.
All you can really do is keep up up the required weekly 25-50% water changes, and hope he recovers. Bettas are pretty resistant to cycle issues, but water changing saves them from the danger.
All you can really do is keep up up the required weekly 25-50% water changes, and hope he recovers. Bettas are pretty resistant to cycle issues, but water changing saves them from the danger.
The water should be the same. I use purified spring water for his tank. I’m not sure if the filter stayed wet, but the rock layer of the tank did. The tank was down for a maximum of 4 hours. I let it sit while I got fishy situated and refilled the tank with water (and added a little bit of old water to keep the bacteria around) and let it cycle for a few days before beta was added back in.
The water should be the same. I use purified spring water for his tank. I’m not sure if the filter stayed wet, but the rock layer of the tank did. The tank was down for a maximum of 4 hours. I let it sit while I got fishy situated and refilled the tank with water (and added a little bit of old water to keep the bacteria around) and let it cycle for a few days before beta was added back in.
Where was Betta sat for a few days while you let the tank "cycle" for a few days? Could that be the problem 🤔 and was he kept warm during this time?
Like GaryE said just keep up with the water changes and add some botanicals to the tank, they will give off tannins and nature's antiseptic

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