Betta Fin Rot


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2010
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Hello all

I am fairly sure my betta has fin rot. I've been trying melafix until I started reading that this might actually do more harm than good. Is there a different medication that will cure this? All the LFS are only recommending melafix. I've been doing daily water changes for the past couple days and plan to continue for a few more. Problem is I am going out of town for 2 weeks and don't have anyone who can continue to do the water changes. Also I have an angel and severum that I am worried might have gotten it too..

What is the best solution keeping in mind that I am leaving in 3 days =(( help!
Intrepid anti fungal and finrot treatment. You will need to find someone to take care of your betta otherwise you will return to a fish with either septicemia or extremely bad finrot. I would move him to his own tank, if there are other fish with him.
What size tank is he in? What are your water params? Is your tank heated and filtered?

I think fin rot is caused by gram negative bacteria, google to confirm, but I think Maracyn 2 is effective against gram negative.

I don't think fin rot is contagious, either. Never read that it was, anyway.
29 gallons, I have no clue on the water levels I can't get a testing kit until after my trip :no:
The tank stays at 78 deg F, and yes there is a filter

Would this med hurt loaches?
Is your tank cycled? Most fish meds are fine for fish, they just tend to hurt inverts like snails. I'm sure you can read up on it online to make sure, though. Antibiotic meds can also kill off some of your beneficial bacteria in the filter. Do you have a little bowl or "hospital tank"? You can move the betta there while you treat him. The hospital tank can be unfiltered but should be heated, and you should change the water very frequently.
No :-(

I made this mistake and on top of that am worried I didn't change the water soon idk if its fin rot or just sickness. At this point I think it would be better to treat the whole tank because everyone but my loaches looks like somethings going on..and I don't have a hospital tank =(. But thank you for the advise, I'll look up that medication

Oh, and you already have several fish in there, right? Well, you probably have high ammonia, which is what is most likely causing your betta's fin rot. I hope you get the freshwater test kit soon to confirm.

In the meantime, do frequent partial changes to help keep the ammonia down. I believe that's even more important than treating your betta with meds.
In the meantime, do frequent partial changes to help keep the ammonia down. I believe that's even more important than treating your betta with meds.

Thats what I was afraid of. When I'm able to do consistant water changes again will that get rid of the rot as ammonia goes down? or will I eventually need to medicate? Looking it up they say poor water quality is the cause but only talk about meds as a cure.
Thats what I was afraid of. When I'm able to do consistant water changes again will that get rid of the rot as ammonia goes down? or will I eventually need to medicate? Looking it up they say poor water quality is the cause but only talk about meds as a cure.

Well, you can always try just doing the water changes and keep a close eye on the betta. If he gets better, then you've done OK with just changing his water. But if the fin rot gets worse even as you keep the water cleaner, then you need to medicate him.

Also, you might want to check the Aq Advisor fish stocking calculator web site to make sure your tank is not overstocked. If you have too many fish relative to your tank size and filter capacity, then that will make your ammonia stay high.
No, if the finrot is constant and dire, then you will need to use treatment. Anti fungus and finrot is your best bet, using stress coat will also give him some help. Also, feeding him brineshrimp in garlic will aid his immune system.

If the ammonia levels are high,I would suggest a 50% water change daily. Remove all plants and ornaments or put him in a quarantine tank, to separate from other fish.

Give him breaks inbetween treatment, otherwise his system will get use to the meds and they won't have an effect. Treat him for a week, then give him 7 days without meds but with the water changes, then treat him again. Don't stop the water changes until he has regrowth of his fins.
Thanks all the help :)

I suffered a loss over my vacation and called in an aquarium expert to evaluate the tank. Apparently according to him the betta was fine..although his fins definately looked like all the finrot pics ..I'm going to trust someone whos been in this longer than me :X . However he did move him to his own tank and upon returning he looks a lot better. I think I'm still going to keep an eye on him but he seems to be doing fine.

thanks again for the help!

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