Ok i've had problems with my betta's fin rot so I finally decided I would clean up the tank and his tail with hydrogen peroxide (I found the info in some older posts on here). Since nothing else was working... I cleaned everything up good then washed the rocks up and (there were tons of small pieces of his tail/fins in there) and then dipped his long tail, upper and lower fin in the peroxide. Then I rinsed him off with water and put him back in his tank so he wouldn't be out for too long. Well of course this stuff bubbled up on his tail a bunch and he couldn't swim right the first few days.. but now there are larger sections of his tail falling off... although he has gone back to swimming the right way. He looks good/better but there are still big pices of the fins coming off.... wtf? That was my last resort.. i'm not sure wth to do with him now... should I wait until it kills him?