Betta Fin Damage Id - Pics Included


Apr 1, 2013
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So I noticed my betta's fins were fray about a week ago when I returned from a short vacation.  I checked the water params, and have been checking daily, since then.  Ammonia sits at zero, nitrites sit at zero, nitrates I try to keep at 5 ppm or lower.  Tankmates are two nerite snails, and two ghost shrimp.  Live plants are some moneywort, anubias, a bit of java moss, and a bunch of moss balls (I'm addicted to them
Since I had noticed the fraying fins, I've kept the water at 82-83 degrees, and have been doing roughly 30% water changes every other day.  It does not seem to be helping too much.  Here are some pics.


I don't see any black on the fins, but I have read in a few places online that fin rot could be white.  It is hard to tell since the frayed edges are on white parts of the fins.  Can anyone identify the issue?
Thanks in advance!

I should mention that the webbing seen on Scherbatsky's (my betta's) dorsal and anal fins are normal, as they have been like that since I bought him.  My concern is the fraying on the caudal fin.
It is really hard to tell damage or normal with the shots you have taken.  With his dorsal and anal fins showing webbing reduction, it might be normal for him to get more web reduction on his tail.  It doesn't look like fin rot to me.  If there is an issue, I would be more likely to suspect him biting it.  If you could get a picture of him flaring or with his tail held up and out, it would be easier to see if there is really an issue to watch for or if it is something more normal.

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