Betta Dreams


Fish Fanatic
Sep 2, 2004
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wow. i keep having dreams about bettas, not my own mind you. last night i just had another one. alwayse in my dreams i end up by a river or ocean ( i live in coastal maine, so that's not so strange.) and alwayse there are 'schools' of male bettas. I catch a few of 'em and they are all gorgeouse. In this last dream though, everytime i caught one it turned out they were just robots and then all the good none-robot betta's got away.

so i thought i'de just share, anyone else have dreams about bettas? I must say, i alwayse wake up happy after words.

I drew this picture after having one of the dreams, the fish in it is my male cambodian 'the fish formallyknown as angst.' and the fox is my 'fursona':


  • My_fishy_baby.jpg
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that picture is beautiful! You really have a talent,you should enter some in the IBC betta art show someday.

I've had betta dreams :*) But they're usually about water changes....I'm rather dull :lol:
lol. i imagine dreaming about water changes could be dull. More so, i imagine it could turn into a nightmare rather quickly.

IBC betta art show? what's that?
The IBC (International Betta Congress) has shows several times a year...kinda like a beauty pagent for bettas. But they aso have an art class where people submit their betta artwork :nod:
that's groovy! I'll tack it up on my list of things i wish to do, right between anthro-con and fur-con. ... hmm..... Now i have an urge to draw bettas. heh.

It sounds like something my sister, technicoloredbetta , would be interested in as well. She has a very large, 12 by 10 oil pastell picture of a crowntail she made not to long ago. I'll bug her to put it up here some time.

Where are the IBC shows held? and what dates? I know full well that none of my bettas are show quality, but it sounds like a groovy place to go regardless. perhapse bring myself home a new friend ^_~
Well this weekend there is a show in New Jersey, in a few weeks there's one in Florida (10/16) Then one in Indiana in November. After that the show season stops until spring because nobody wants to ship their fish in the winter. Ya just have to wait for one in your area in order to go....but you can always just send your work into any show. They're really good about caring for your stuff and getting it back to you :)
I'm located in maine, so i suppose i'll have to wait till next year. Sending stuff in, huh? that might be something to think about. Do you have a link to their website or anything?
I think it's a beautiful picture... :D I don't think I've ever had a dream about bettas or my bettas, but lately I have dreams about people jacking my car and leaving me stranded. Usually my dreams aren't even this realistic. :/

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