Betta Disaster

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Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Savannah, Georgia
Woo, talk about a betta disaster! :blink:

Ok, I bought a linen shelf from WM because I wanted a shelf to put my betta tanks on because I seem to keep getting bettas (I got another new boy on Thursday. I'm such an addict.) and my computer desk is officially full. So I installed the shelf carefully and into wall studs. After it was finished, I put a good deal of weight on it to see if it would hold, and it did. So, I got one tank, holding Shiirice, and carefully placed it on the shelf. After watching carefully for 30 seconds I decided it was ok and put a second tank, holding my new lovely blue/green male crowntail, onto the shelf and again waited another 30 seconds. Seemed good to go! As soon as I turned away there was a horrific crash, water spraying in all directions and glass stones scattering like confetti. :crazy:

The adrenaline kicked in immediately and I panicked for my fish's lives! My first instinct was to find the fish as quickly as possible and then just dump them into the water of the other tanks (thankfully this "brilliance" lasted only half a heartbeat) but then I realized DUH, THEY'RE BETTAS. It would save them from suffocation but would also make matters worse by having a lovely betta war. So I ran to the kitchen as quickly as possible, filled two bowls with water, hastily dumped some start right into each bowl and ran back to my room. Ok, time locate the fish in the tsunami-like wreckage! I found Shiirice immediately :rofl: She had somehow managed to land right on top of my television set, where she was perched patiently, eyeing me as if to say "what the HELL are you doing to me, crazy *****! WATER!" So she was transfered immediately and came to no harm B) The boy was tougher. Everything is a blur because I was in overdrive, but I almost immediately realized by the way his tank had fallen that he must be under my table. Sure enough, after frantic clawing through books and moving a suitcase weighing about 100lbs, I found him! He was waiting for me in a puddle on the top of the said suitcase and seemed equally upset with me and wanted to stay in the puddle.

Neither fish was harmed at all, though Shiirice was most certainly pissed at me. She didn't stop being mad until today, when I gifted her a nice little cave to play in. I'm incredibly lucky that I was quick to think and act. I don't think either fish was stranded more than a minute or two. However, cleaning up a few gallons of water and the plants and beads was a completely different story. I had gotten water all over my PS2, television set, stereo, and expensive art paper, not to mention the table, tablecloth and carpet. :/ After cleaning for an hour and a half I downed three shots of vodka and had a much deserved cigarette. Luckily nothing was permanently damaged. My fish were most important, but I would have been pretty peeved if my electronics had been rendered useless.

Thought you'd all have a laugh. Yes, I'm stupid! I'd use the I'm with stupid smilie, but I'm the stupid!
Don't feel bad, it happens to the best of us. I'm not one of the best but I did have a stupid moment with my old fish Admiral, he hopped out of his cup while I was cleaning his tank (now I have about a thousand cups with lids, I buy any likely looking freezer box in the store and its becoming an obsessive compulsive habit.) He wasn't as lucky as your fishies and was very badly hurt from it. He didn't move for 3 days, not so much as a gill, he had his mouth pushed up out of the water and just hung real limp. Then he'd move his two front fins, and then his gills, and then his eyes, and from there he gradually got back to his old self.
mybabieshavefins said:
He was waiting for me in a puddle on the top of the said suitcase and seemed equally upset with me and wanted to stay in the puddle.


I can so see him- "No! No, Mum, I wanna stay HERE! Pumme DOWN!"

I'm so glad for you that it worked out for both of them- that would have been heartbreaking if anything had happened. It's so lucky they both landed in wet spots; with the labyrinth, I believe they can survive out of water for almost an hour, but only if they're kept moist, so it's a good thing your little guy found himself a puddle ;)

Get well wishes for both Shiirice and your boy :thumbs:
:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
Ok Ok So I shouldn't laugh (if this had ended in horror I'd be crying but!!!!!)
"what the HELL are you doing to me, crazy *****! WATER!"
That is going to have me going for weeks. I'm still alughing as I type (makes it hard to type!!) I've read the entire post twice as well just for comedy value after the shock of two bettas and their tanks going everywhere, including electrical items!!
I know I really shouldn't laugh but
"what the HELL are you doing to me, crazy *****! WATER!"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
At least it was only two and they are fine!
I so wish all Bettas could talk!!!! How funny would that be?!?!

P.S. It's 2:40am here and started work almost 24 hours ago so very drained of sleep right now!!!!!!!!

"what the HELL are you doing to me, crazy *****! WATER!"
I love it!!!! :rofl:
God, now YOU have me laughing hysterically, xxSarahxx!!!! :rofl: I was almost afraid to post the curse on the forum, but that was the EXACT look she was giving me! It certainly wasn't funny at the moment, but trust me, a betta sitting on your tv set, looking RIGHT AT YOU with that look has to be one of the most hysterical things on the planet! She was so mad at me too! For two days every time I got near her tank she huffed and acted all snippy at me! Thank god her psychedelic cave has placated her! It's ok to laugh :D A couple days after the incedent, I realized it was really quite funny! And my sense of humour is horrible and unkillable as a cockroach, but hey. And you! Get some sleep! *hugs*

Andie: Thanks so much for your well-wishes! They're both doing perfectly fine, which makes me incredibly happy and allows me to joke about the incedent now. Haha, the little boy WAS pretty funny! "LET ME STAY IN MY PUDDLE! NICE PUDDLEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" I'm just very happy my Jack Russel wasn't in the vicinity. She's been after my fish for ages. I'm so very glad to know that they can last a while out of the water. I was hyperventilating and cursing like there was no tomorrow, worrying that my fish were dead or hurt! It's really a miracle that after that flight both of them are perfectly ok. Seriously, not even a tear of the fin!

Silver1: EEEEEEEE! :eek: Gee, that sounds horrible! Poor little tyke! I'm so happy he made it through, though! God, now I'm going to be even more paranoid and start covering my fish more carefully while performing the tank-cleaning dance!
no...... I'm giggling again and it's now 03:40am!! I actually have to be back at work at 9, up at 7....dont' see the point in going to sleep anymore!!!!
I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time....if it was me I would have been in a complete frazzle!! I hate situations like that.
You've added a dog into the situation now too..... I'm trying to imagine his face as he saw you charging around with a fish on the TV and another in a puddle under the desk!!!! I know he wasn't there but I'm imagining what it could have been like. I had to do a mad water change in my main community tank and the cat was trying to help!! Now a frantic water change when it's just you in the house at 2am with a cat wondering round your feet making you fall over and spill water everywhere not so good!!!!
I feel a cartoon version of your events is in order!! Any volunteers?!?!
It would have been horrible if they didn't survive but as they did .... :rofl: I'm sorry but this has really got my sense of humour. If only Bettas could talk...what would yours say?!?!?!?!? :dunno: :rofl: :dunno:
You have cheered me up no end with this post and I truly am glad they are ok.
oh my god monica! hahah no wonder you didn't call me yesterday! hahaha i was wondering what had happened to you. maybe we should bring that shelf back to wal mart, eh? haha sorry, i don't mean to laugh, but geez...hahaha it's killing me. and you have SO much stuff in that area too! it's a miracle there wasn't a bigger disaster! and if amber had been in there...oh my! poor riicie! hahaha's really not funny...hahah i'm so glad they're ok!
They do..... oh no.. I'm giggling again!!!!
Brooke - I think we have completely lost the plot here!! Sorry Monica we're slightly stealing your thread now!! :*)
haha she won't mind. she'll get a kick out of it tomorrow...right now she's in bed i'm sure you and i should be. i've got a long drive tomorrow and you've got work in a couple of hours! haha how will you make it through the day?
Red Bull, caffeine tablets and adrenaline!
The kids will pull me through! The staff will laugh at me and go..... so forum chatting last night were we... or.... are the fish ok?!?!?!?
haha the question is how will i stay awake driving down the interstate all day? singing VERY LOUDLY along with the radio and weaving in and out of traffic...sounds dangerous :) haha
*stares at BrookeLea and Sarah* :look:

OMFG, my worst nightmare. Any fishkeepers worst nightmare! It is very sad, but they way you set the whole thing up is sooo funny >_< the Betta captions were great. I'm really glad they're both safe and sound now, thank GOD the shelf didnt decide to give out while you were gone! Why is everything from W*M such crap?! heheh. Good job acting fast though, I would've probably frozen!!
Oh my God, that's horrible and funny at the same time :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I keep thinking the same thing will eventually happen with my glass computer desk that holds two 5 gallons, a 2.5 gallon, and three 1 gallons, but it has been fine for months... knock on wood :look:

When I ran out of betta space I bought a shelving unit specifically for the purpose of holding tanks.. as you can see, there are way too freakin' many of them. I'm currently working on getting all the bettas on that shelf an Aquaview so they'll all have proper lighting and I won't have to leave my lamp on for them. Only 3 bowls left to replace, woohoo!

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