betta dilemma


New Member
Apr 15, 2021
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i have 2 tanks each with a betta in it and I switched them because I thought my betta jeffson would suit my tank with shrimp more but today i noticed he my other betta jeffson is hiding with fin tears which I have discover are from yoyo loaches so I moved him over and put the other betta in and now he is being attacked I put many decorations in the tank to try to stop the loaches but it looks terrible and i can only have 2 tanks running please help.
Hi! What are the tank sizes and tank mates? Water parameters? Photos of the tanks could be helpful too! Also, Welcome!
they are 20L with 5 cherry shrimp and 40L with a molly, balloon molly, 6 rummy nose, and neon tetras and 4 ember tetras and don't know the parameters also thank you for responding.
A 20L is a super small tank, even for a Betta. Definitely remove him and put him in the smaller tank, rather than keeping him in the community tank.

As you have painfully found out, Bettas are not community fish.


Is it possible for you to get a bigger tank for the Betta?


There are issues concerning your stock in the “bigger” tank. Not only is that way to small of a tank for those fish, but some species of fish in your tank require different water hardnesses to be happy and healthy.
A 20L is a super small tank, even for a Betta. Definitely remove him and put him in the smaller tank, rather than keeping him in the community tank.
20 liters is 5 gallons, I was under the impression 5 gallons is alright, even though bigger is always better? They have a betta in each tank, so there are 2 bettas
The best option would really be to rehome one of the bettas or buy a second 5 gallon or larger as soon as possible. Temporarily, you can keep one of the bettas in a tote or container, but that is really not ideal for more than a day or two. If you go that route, daily water changes are necessary and keep the betta in as warm a space as possible. You could also try dividing the 20l. Is the 20l filtered and heated?
20 liters is 5 gallons, I was under the impression 5 gallons is alright, even though bigger is always better? They have a betta in each tank, so there are 2 bettas
I don’t know what I was thinking on the L - G conversion. @_@


If the OP has a Betta in both the 5g and the community tank, it would be best to rehome the one in the community tank, or get a separate 5g tank, as @OliveFish05 mentioned.

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